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TuanHA Combat Routine News, Update, Question and Answer...

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I hope priest routine get approved this week.

I need a few more days to get the Gift Key from HB and send it to users (it take 7 days I guess)...

But don't worry about the Gift Key, once routine approved, just get the 7 days trial and when your key send to your email, claim it :D

A long time ago... and no news, no email, no gift key. What's wrong?
Decided to finally buy a combat routine so just one question. I remember reading awhile back about honorbuddy bot not supporting rated pvp anymore. How does this work with your paid routines? will they work in rated arena/rbgs etc.
I'm having trouble doing raids because HB keeps spamming my role for the raid and people get pissed. I have all of your routines and this has happened on my hunter and now my priest. I use enyo as well. Not sure if it has to do with the routine or not. was just wondering if anyone else was having this issue. Thank you.
Hello, i have problem with TuanHADeathKnightWoD pause key is not work when i set a key but is fine for Other Class Routines what i have to do? anyone have some problem?
I'm having trouble doing raids because HB keeps spamming my role for the raid and people get pissed. I have all of your routines and this has happened on my hunter and now my priest. I use enyo as well. Not sure if it has to do with the routine or not. was just wondering if anyone else was having this issue. Thank you.

You have to be more descriptive. What exactly is it doing? POST A LOG? Try it with LazyRaider or Dungeonbuddy....
can we pay for rutin in dolars plz i gona buy fourth but eu course is kiling me :)
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Tauhna! i have a few questions.
first off i have noticed not all talents are supported or does not work as intended, could you post a list for ea class what talents are supported and what are not.
also will you add support for more advanced PvE rutines that take in consideration for trinket proccs and stuff like that? (simulart to millz CR's)
don't take this the wrong way. its not a demand just a curious question. i am realy impressed with millz CR's rotation logic but except for the CR rotation on millz i prefer your CR's for all the rest.
would love too hear your thoughts and wishes for your CR's for the future ^^
Hey Tuan!

On the warrior routine, can you add the ability to select your stance while in protection? The reason I ask is, I want to use the "Gladiator's Resolve" talent but stay in "defensive stance" for the extra 5% damage reduction while tanking.

Thanks for all your work!
Any ETA on when tuanha will be updated so it does the rotation better while playing arms with 4set tier 18? Currently wastes rage on whirlwind.
Im thinking about buying this but cant find any good settings for feral. Can you share with me some settings?
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