hey tuanha! love your profiles!
i have a suggestion, ad 2 sliders for hunter profile for frost trap
one slider for trap healer when target below %hp
and a second slider that can be and/or with the erlier slider
trap healer when #yards away from me
ex. hp below slider set to 40% and range slider set to 10yards, then the profil wil casat freeze trap on healer if target below and and if healer is closer then 10yards,
i really want the range slider as its great with the first since traps have travel time and are easy to dodge when far away, but would be happy with only the first HP slider
thanks man! keep up the good work!
PS. proud owner of all tuanha profiles
i have a suggestion, ad 2 sliders for hunter profile for frost trap
one slider for trap healer when target below %hp
and a second slider that can be and/or with the erlier slider
trap healer when #yards away from me
ex. hp below slider set to 40% and range slider set to 10yards, then the profil wil casat freeze trap on healer if target below and and if healer is closer then 10yards,
i really want the range slider as its great with the first since traps have travel time and are easy to dodge when far away, but would be happy with only the first HP slider
thanks man! keep up the good work!
PS. proud owner of all tuanha profiles