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Trixter [a Combat Rogue Combat Routine]

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May 3, 2010
Trixter [a Combat/Assassination Rogue Combat Routine]

Trixter V1.5.0
by mahe4

Now With GUI

latest Honorbuddy version
lvl 85 combat rogue
Combat bot base or LazyRaider
a english WoW-Client
knowledge how to install a custom class

Talent Spec:
Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft

What it Does:
* normal combat rogue rotation
* normal assasination rotation (New BETA)
* normal sublety rotation (BETA)
* Tricks of the Trade on your focus target every CD (or on the specified target in the gui)
* Bladeflurry if more than one Enemy
* Recuperate below 75% health (optionally)

What it wont do:
* movement
* apply poisons
* use Killing Spree due to "fire effects" (except you activate it in the GUI)

About Rupture in Combat Specc:
Rupture is only a dps increase, if the 30% bleed damage increase buff is present on the target.
Even then its merely a 1% DPS increase.
(but is now integrated)

All credits go to
fiftypence for his awesome MutaRaidBT,
strix for some methods I used from his LazyRogue CC.
and to mastahg for his brilliant idea with the macro control.
If you want to support this CC, support those three guys. :D

-New Assasination Rotation + GUI Integration
-optimized combat a bit
-disabled macros again (major dps loss, have to think of a better solution)
-added KS AR and Feint Macros for manual Control
-added a better-than-nothing-redirect option
-removed TotT-Target (TotT on Focus is still working)
-edited GUI for more (possible) Options
-fixed Expose Armor Bug in the assasination rotation
-added a sublety rotation in the cc. It's only beta for now...
-Interrupt Option implemented (if ON, it kicks everything that hb detects as interruptable)
-TotT target in gui (cc don't have to use focus for TotT anymore, only if you like)
-added Blade Flurry to GUI
-gui added for configuration with still running honorbuddy (config wont be saved)

really appreciate feedback and bug reports (as usually only with log files please)

KS Macro:
#showtooltip Killing Spree
/script KSNow=1;

AR Macro:
#showtooltip Adrenaline Rush
/script AdrenalineNow=1;

Feint Macro:
#showtooltip Feint
/script FeintNow=1;

SVN Checkout (most recent version)
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I just used this tonight in FL. very impressed so far was pushing 75k dps on Majordomo Staghelm. keep up the good work :)
Was testing on target dummy yesterday but got a question, as a rogue whos gotta switch targets and interrupt how do we get that done. i know in past i had issues with trying to switch targets with other CCs and it wanting to keep attacking and can we force interrupts on it or will it spam too much to get one in. Thanks
Just an update been using it in low lvl raids to test out and its working great, havent had issues with switching targets etc, havent really had chance to test getting interrupts in yet but dont think ill have an issue. Thanks!
Just an update been using it in low lvl raids to test out and its working great, havent had issues with switching targets etc, havent really had chance to test getting interrupts in yet but dont think ill have an issue. Thanks!

Just wait what turns out with strixs ultimate interrupter. maybe we never have to implemenet interrupting.


Hi, thanks for this awesome cc.

I tried it on ragnaros and it didn't seem to use Adrenaline Rush as supposed to.

I managed to around 20-22k dps on Ragnaros with my gear it's pretty awesome :)

i can't find why it didn't use adrenaline rush...
it's only using adrenaline rush if your target is boss level...
oh... and you need to focus a friendly target, if you wish it to use TotT correctly
same prob ... doesn't use Adrenaline Rush on Ragnaros fight...
if u need a log, i can provide one today in the evening

--- edit ---

i dunno how HB does get the level of a unit, but i found this (from wowwiki) very intersting

 /script SendChatMessage("Level "..UnitLevel("target"));
If the current target is a Level 50 mob, this macro will print Level 50 in your chat window. If the unit's level is unknown, i.e. a Level ?? target, or is a special boss, UnitLevel() will return -1.

Don't do the comparison with level 88 ... u are right for a level 85 toon, but u'll never see a boss with level 88, the boss will everytime be a SKULL, so the level is "unknown" (we know that a boss is everytime 3 levels higher than the toon which is attacking the boss ... but that's not the way UnitLevel works)
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same prob ... doesn't use Adrenaline Rush on Ragnaros fight...
if u need a log, i can provide one today in the evening

--- edit ---

i dunno how HB does get the level of a unit, but i found this (from wowwiki) very intersting

 /script SendChatMessage("Level "..UnitLevel("target"));
Don't do the comparison with level 88 ... u are right for a level 85 toon, but u'll never see a boss with level 88, the boss will everytime be a SKULL, so the level is "unknown" (we know that a boss is everytime 3 levels higher than the toon which is attacking the boss ... but that's not the way UnitLevel works)

thx for that hint
trixter should now use adrenaline rush on every boss
Thanks for this CC mahe4, been waiting for it!

With my gear ilvl 374 I do around 19-22k dps on training dummy (I do killing spree manually). Is there any way to make a function to hotkey killing spree so you only need to press it one time without spam pressing the button for it to do killing spree? Like -> You press the key you binded to killing spree on the CC, when you press it, the bot says "Ok, killing spree next pause rotation" ? :P

i would like to do some hotkey things with the cc myself... but i have no idea if it is possible for hb to recognize button presses from the user...
Loving the CC one thing is there anyway to add in Lifeblood (herbing haste/heal)? keep up the great work!
Look at Felmaster in all in one CC's, he made some hotkeys for cooldowns
he made some macros...
i tried the cc and the macros...
a really good way... but the creation and deletion off the macros is doing crazy things with my standart macros O.o
i wish there would be a better way... :/
Working great now and digging the killing spree also though i gotta disable it now and then for certain fights, one thing I noticed it seems from what i could tell thats its using AR kinda random, is it set to only use it on deep insight or just any insight or on CD? Thanks
Working great now and digging the killing spree also though i gotta disable it now and then for certain fights, one thing I noticed it seems from what i could tell thats its using AR kinda random, is it set to only use it on deep insight or just any insight or on CD? Thanks
after my testing, i get a litte more dps, if AR is used on cd, and if you have under 25 energy
Right on, I gotta say this is hands down best combat CC ive ever used. Im pulling #1 in dps in guild on FL bosses right now and my gear is low 370s. Only other little things i see is it energy caps once im a blue moon but i think thats mostly from lag on my end and every now and then I get targeting issue, Cant remember if its supposed to auto target or if thats disabled but few fights when i kill an add or something it picks a target right after and if i hit esc to remove mob from target it re-targets it, not a huge deal I usually just hit esc few times or target myself and it finally seems to not try to target. Was just wondering if that was built in or an HB thing. Thanks again for great work
Right on, I gotta say this is hands down best combat CC ive ever used. Im pulling #1 in dps in guild on FL bosses right now and my gear is low 370s. Only other little things i see is it energy caps once im a blue moon but i think thats mostly from lag on my end and every now and then I get targeting issue, Cant remember if its supposed to auto target or if thats disabled but few fights when i kill an add or something it picks a target right after and if i hit esc to remove mob from target it re-targets it, not a huge deal I usually just hit esc few times or target myself and it finally seems to not try to target. Was just wondering if that was built in or an HB thing. Thanks again for great work
disabled auto attack
if you don't want to use your right mouse button, use a "/startattack" macro (thats how would do it)
Wierd issue, not sure if its CC or HB but when i enter a BG this doesnt attack at all, i start attacking and it just does auto attack and tahts it, i swear it was working like week ago
Wierd issue, not sure if its CC or HB but when i enter a BG this doesnt attack at all, i start attacking and it just does auto attack and tahts it, i swear it was working like week ago
can you please add a debug log?
did you have a focus?
there is a bug, that the cc sometimes does nothing if the focus is an enemy...
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