You're still focused entirely on the impact the PvE bot has on your own group/raid, etc. which is not what I'm discussing or arguing and is not what this thread is about. I don't know how to make that any more clear than stating it here for a second time. Using your logic, I can just as easily say that my PvP group/team would praise my DPS interrupts (which they often did), enemy players died (cheers echo from my own team naturally), my bot DPS helps boost team DPS, etc. etc. etc. It's the exact same principle if you're applying the benefits of botting for your own group/team. I'm not doing that. Step outside of the perspective of comparing the pros and cons with regards to your own personal raid group/PvP team and you'll understand what I'm trying to say. If you can't do that, well then I can't make it any clearer for you and I'll have to assume there's a language barrier.
If this was a thread about the benefits on both sides (which it's not), I could just as easily give you my own personal stories about how, playing FotM classes, I was often whispered on RBG signups asking whether or not I was running a bot/script. Keep in mind that I played in the 2k bracket (Hero of the Alliance was 2100 this season to give you perspective). Every single one of those RBG leaders who whispered me that question wanted to know if I was a CR user because they only wanted CR users in those classes. Why? Because Gladiator Suite is/was that powerful. They knew it, I knew it, and when I lied and said "No, I don't bot." for obvious reasons, I was often denied a spot.
And these were PUGs mind you. LFG RBG pugs forming for the Hero push all hoping they would exploit the power of HB and GS CRs to help them secure Hero this season. Now I was taken sometimes for saying no, and I obviously put out a shit ton of damage and interrupts and was praised, friended, and re-taken in subsequent weeks because in their eyes I was simply that good. As for the ones who denied me because I didn't say "Yes, I'm a botter," well I fought them two and three times a week on scattered teams and while I knew they ran with botters, I also knew that it boiled down to who had the best team/leader. In all cases, people won or lost based on a number of those factors, though their bots and our/my bot obviously played a role. I'm using this as an example to show you that even from a PvP perspective, the praise you get from your own team isn't even a consideration in the argument I laid out above. Using that argument, I probably denied countless players my spot because I was never replaced. I was too "good" to replace and my team didn't want to risk a PUG hoping to prove himself, even if they didn't know I was running an HB CR. In their eyes, they had no reason to. I sincerely hope you understand what I'm trying to say here.