new version incoming soon
version: 2.0.0
channel: release
added AreaLock on client GUI (Serverside not yet functional)
note: this release brings the Stay-Inside-Area Functionality.
You are able to define several zones per Zone, the size can be toggled by the Radius Selection Input.
As a Rule of Thumb: a distance of 100 is basicly the distance your character will travel on a flying mount (speed 280%) within 6 seconds.
i will add a Radius Calculation Tool in Release 2.0.1
This Interface is not yet functional. I must still add some Serversided changes, but i will have those ready most likely by tomorrow.
As it takes some hours to get this version approved i decided to submit it now while i'm working on the serverside.
How to use it properly:
even tho you can set an infite amount of area within one zone i recommend to create
overlapping areas, creating one area on the left side of the map and one on the right side does not make sense, in general i'd recommend to create 1 area lock per zone.
this feature is designed for either lowlevel chars which want to stay within a certain area or farmers which want to keep within a specific zone.
I will let you know as soon as this feature is fully functional.
i'd like to thank ALL of you who provided solid Feedback and gave me the idea to create this functionality.
This Plugin lives on your Ideas, keep them coming.