ok this is my log, I think there are some problems with wav files, btw now I'm trying using 1.4.3 old version like yesterday.
Ty dude for the quick reply
PS: As a pally do u think I can set Divine Shield as slow fall spell?
Hmmm Unknown is ok, I think, this means the Mob is fresh spawned.
Where did you found your Toon in the next Morning? Which Area? Was he already in Uldum?
Hmm He tried to move to the Mob and then he gets stuck.
The only thing I can do quickly isto implement a Timer. If he don't reach the mob after for example 180 seconds he should blacklist him and go ahead.
I also will run the Plugin excessively this weekend to maybe reproduce this failed Behaviors.
The shutted down is because of the new stuck behavior.I was using 1.4.3 version this afternoon and when I came back home I found wow and bit shutted down..
[03:14:17:932] [DevTools]:Name: Dormus' Rage | SpellId: 93269 | TimeLeft-Seconds: 912.342 | StackCount: 0 | IsActive: True | IsPassive False | IsHarmFul: True
[03:09:10:563] Activity: Moving to next survey point
[03:09:10:947] Spell_C::CastSpell(93326, 0, 0x0, 0) [2089]
[03:09:14:229] Spell_C::CastSpell(32223, 0, 0x0, 0) [2090]
[03:09:14:244] -Crusader Aura
[03:09:17:556] Activity: Surveying
[03:09:17:558] Spell_C::CastSpell(80451, 0, 0x0, 0) [2091]
[03:09:19:673] Inserting Mysteri?se Kamelfigur [SpellClick] into the database!
[03:09:20:110] Rarekiller: Find Mysteri?se Kamelfigur ID 50409
[03:09:20:389] Rarekiller Part MoveTo: Move to target
[03:09:20:774] Spell_C::CastSpell(93326, 0, 0x0, 0) [2092]
[03:09:27:483] Rarekiller Part Camel: Figurine Location: -9821.676 / -42.21181 / 61.92262
[03:09:27:483] Rarekiller Part Camel: My Location: -9820.387 / -41.87164 / 63.36961
killer: Exception in Pulse:System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Please be sure a sound file exists at the specified location.