On my one and only account, I bot maybe a couple hours a day as I'm not in this to make money, and I never really bot to gather much like I thought I would...
I've made over 4k gold on two toons in Cataclysm just questiing, selling items I get, gathering normally, etc. And both are only level 82.
I think Blizzard might have made it so people can basically get gold on their own now easily enough that it might all but kill the secondary market completely.
I have more gold than I know what to do with and it's 100% legit...
So I think it's less of who is getting banned than the simple fact that gold is just very easy to get now and no real money sinks to use it on. What did Cataclysm bring that you would need to spend gold on? Name one thing?
Sure, there is the 5k for going from 280 to 310 in flying but most people I know with tons of gold didn't bother getting it because it's pretty meaningless.
It's not like when you first paid 5k to all but double your flying speed...