- Botting really started during Cata days (or even further back then, which I wudnt know) where farming for honor gear required alot of effort. Especially when your faction side is bunch of weaksauces. Thus, I'd say, in my own humble opinion, botting took off with the existence of this inconvenience. Back then I remember I actually used a auto mouse clicker and have my toon queing BG's. Literally the mouse was "trained" to click on certain places of the game window on the BG master to que, to accept que pop and afk while in BG. Because click to move did not existed back then. So the mouse "routine" kept doing it. Woke up to have all the honor or I think they were called specific tokens like WSG tokens or what not stacked up in the morning was awesome! Profit!
- Yes, I do agree and despise kick botters because it affects me, I'm a caster.
It's worst when you wanna cry about a specific group of HB users ruining it for you. You had the option of NOT using the
bot in the first place. You came into an existing environment where HB is used for BG's, if you do not like it, then stay away.
First rule of getting banned using HB, do not QQ and look for someone to blame. Instead, use this