Templar version: Beta Version:
looting with full bags: left default settings to initialize vendor behavior at 2 free slots, the bot started farming with 5 free slots, itkilled the mobs and then started looting, it didn't recognise when it had only 2 slots left and kept looting till the bags were full, then it didn't recognise it had full bags and no slots available but stubbornly kept trying to loot. Stop/start didn't seem to fix this, only restarting the bot did.
crazy mail: Restarted the bot and it went to the mailbox. Mailed once and then flew away, then turned 180 degrees and went back to the mailbox, mailed something and flew away once again, I stopped it when I saw it was flying back to the mailbox a 3rd time. It seemed stuck in that loop for the duration of the mail behavior.
stuck till 45 seconds: alright here vendoring behavior was pretty ok, found the closest vendor and sold the items then flew back, at this point it targeted a mob to resume farming BUT didn't do anything till 45 seconds passed and the "anti stuck behavior" kicked in (this also happens with flying units, while it's flying back it will get stuck in flight with a target till 45 seconds passed, seems like it wants to attack the unit but it's unable to do so due to being in flight/mounted, so will do nothing for 45 sec)
Good news is protected item list worked.