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[Talented] WoW Popular Specs

The above actually said "C r a c k i n g" job but seems to have been filtered. No problem.

Should the script actually be

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<!-- Generated from WHUT-X by 74113083 -->

<!-- Talent Calculator - World of Warcraft -->
-<TalentTree Class="Hunter" Name="[Hunter] Surv [foamfollower]" Specialization="3">
<!-- Survival Talents -->
<Talent Name="Pathing" Count="3" Index="2" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Improved Serpent Sting" Count="2" Index="3" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Trap Mastery" Count="3" Index="5" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Entrapment" Count="2" Index="6" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Point of No Escape" Count="2" Index="7" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Thrill of the Hunt" Count="3" Index="8" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Lock and Load" Count="2" Index="10" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Resourcefulness" Count="3" Index="11" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="T.N.T" Count="2" Index="13" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Toxicology" Count="2" Index="14" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Wyvern Sting" Count="1" Index="15" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Noxious Stings" Count="2" Index="16" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Hunting Party" Count="1" Index="17" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Sniper Training" Count="3" Index="18" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Serpent Spread" Count="2" Index="19" Tab="3"/> <Talent Name="Black Arrow" Count="1" Index="20" Tab="3"/>
<!-- Marksmanship Talents -->
<Talent Name="Go For The Throat" Count="2" Index="1" Tab="2"/> <Talent Name="Efficiency" Count="3" Index="2" Tab="2"/> <Talent Name="Sic 'Em!" Count="2" Index="4" Tab="2"/>
<!-- Beast Mastery Talents -->
http://atticusg3-buddyscripts.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/Talent Builds/Hunter_Surv_foamfollower.xml

fixed, seems I hadn't updated to the newest version.

PS wrapping your xml in [ php ] or code tags helps, ie
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<!-- Generated from WHUT-X by 74113083 -->
<!-- http://www.wowhead.com/talent#http://www.wowhead.com/talent#cZfMZcbGfMhrRsd:RmzsbzM0c -->
<TalentTree Specialization="3" Name="[Hunter] Surv [foamfollower]" Class="Hunter">
  <!-- Survival Talents -->
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="2" Count="3" Name="Pathing" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="3" Count="2" Name="Improved Serpent Sting" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="5" Count="3" Name="Trap Mastery" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="6" Count="2" Name="Entrapment" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="7" Count="2" Name="Point of No Escape" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="8" Count="3" Name="Thrill of the Hunt" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="10" Count="2" Name="Lock and Load" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="11" Count="3" Name="Resourcefulness" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="13" Count="2" Name="T.N.T" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="14" Count="2" Name="Toxicology" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="15" Count="1" Name="Wyvern Sting" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="16" Count="2" Name="Noxious Stings" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="17" Count="1" Name="Hunting Party" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="18" Count="3" Name="Sniper Training" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="19" Count="2" Name="Serpent Spread" />
  <Talent Tab="3" Index="20" Count="1" Name="Black Arrow" />
  <!-- Marksmanship Talents -->
  <Talent Tab="2" Index="1" Count="2" Name="Go For The Throat" />
  <Talent Tab="2" Index="2" Count="3" Name="Efficiency" />
  <Talent Tab="2" Index="4" Count="2" Name="Sic 'Em!" />
  <!-- Beast Mastery Talents -->
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Levelling specific builds & PvP specific builds have been added on the first page. If you want to see one for your spec, as always, just post here and I'll see what I can do. meanwhile i'm just doing the ones i need for myself.

Levelling: Priest, Shaman

PvP: Warlock
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how to fix this one
[Talented] There has been some structure changes in talented. You need to (re)set a talent build from settings."

I am playing Prot warrior - what can this addon help me, what is it different from CC.

Thank you.
Just means you need to click on plugins, Talented, Set Talent Build to prot warrior. are you using mine or the one that ships with HB?
Thanks for prompt reply - I am trying to use yours, last time I clicked set talented , it appears nothing, but not it does - so I just select prot warrior at the bottem.

Can you please tell me what plugin can do, how is it different from CC.

Thank you.
Oh - I just check the number of talent - does it change the points in our talent tree without resetting them?
It spends your talent points, if you are levelling, then it will place them as you level, if you are 85, it can only spend the ones you have not already spent.

IE HB is NOT a hack, it cannot do anythign a player cannot, IE free respecs.
while using your talens trees i have problem with Hb givimg me error all the time:

[09:40:51:726] System.ArgumentException: Requested value 'Death Knight' was not found.
at System.Enum.Parse(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase)
at System.Enum.Parse(Type enumType, String value)
at Talented.TalentTree.FromXml(XElement root) in \Plugins\Talented\TalentTree.cs:line 51
while using your talens trees i have problem with Hb givimg me error all the time:

[09:40:51:726] System.ArgumentException: Requested value 'Death Knight' was not found.
at System.Enum.Parse(Type enumType, String value, Boolean ignoreCase)
at System.Enum.Parse(Type enumType, String value)
at Talented.TalentTree.FromXml(XElement root) in \Plugins\Talented\TalentTree.cs:line 51

Please redownload the file from the svn, this error has been corrected in the latest version.
How do I get Talented to work? I selected Mage: Fire, started questing, got lvl 10 by using Questing 5-12 EK, but Talented just does nothing. I now have 2 points unspent. Recompiled, restarted etc... Any tips how to make it work?
Talented seems to have broken in the last update, I have the same problem as the guy above me my mage wants to be a frost mage yet doesnt want to spend any points and I cant change to either fire or arc as it wont us either of those specs spells only frost ones.
How do I get Talented to work? I selected Mage: Fire, started questing, got lvl 10 by using Questing 5-12 EK, but Talented just does nothing. I now have 2 points unspent. Recompiled, restarted etc... Any tips how to make it work?
Talented seems to have broken in the last update, I have the same problem as the guy above me my mage wants to be a frost mage yet doesnt want to spend any points and I cant change to either fire or arc as it wont us either of those specs spells only frost ones.
I was having the same issue with my shadow priest. It only spent two points, and wouldn't go any further, but when I opened and compared shadow with discipline, I found that the shadow spec wasn't set up like the discipline one was. The shadow spec would spend two points in shadow, then start trying to spend points in holy and disc, then go back to shadow. That can't be done anymore with how trees work now. So, what you may have to do is edit the build file to make talented spend points in your main tab first, then move into the other two tabs, if need be.

If you don't know how to do that, pm me with the spec you are trying to use in talented and your email address, and i'll edit it so that it will work. If you decide to do this, keep in mind that I am busy IRL and will get the file back to you ASAP, but I can't guarantee that it will come back to you within the next 10-15 minutes. I will, however, try and get it back to you within 24 hours.