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Stop DK equipping items with intel with AutoEquip2??


Active Member
Dec 3, 2011
I am leveling a DK as Blood, and it keeps trying to equip intellect items if the other stats are higher. How can I force AutoEquip2 to NEVER equip an item with intel on it? Looks really stupid running around with it on if anyone inspects me, ESPECIALLY during a BG lol....
Cool, guess that is what I am looking for. Where do I do this at, and what would I have to change it to?

I found the stat weights. If I add <Intellect>0</Intellect> would this prevent it from equipping Intel items? Or would a negative number have to be added?
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just delete the Intelect line
The intellect line was added by me. There was no intellect weight at all, I was just wondering if by adding it with 0 weight if it would stop equipping it.
the issue is that mastery is too high, lower mastery
Ok, what would a safe level be? Currently it is set up to 100%.
Its not a percentage its a value, ie mastery*weight
Cool, guess that is what I am looking for. Where do I do this at, and what would I have to change it to?

I found the stat weights. If I add <Intellect>0</Intellect> would this prevent it from equipping Intel items? Or would a negative number have to be added?
or, if autoEquip works like the addon that uses weights:
or, if autoEquip works like the addon that uses weights:
i will try this next time i play him. Curious if a dev that knows whether or not this would work or not would chime in.
I am leveling a DK as Blood, and it keeps trying to equip intellect items if the other stats are higher. How can I force AutoEquip2 to NEVER equip an item with intel on it? Looks really stupid running around with it on if anyone inspects me, ESPECIALLY during a BG lol....
I don't think the problem is with equiping Intellect items. The problem is with the way you perceive it.

Intellect is not measured on the DK AutoEquip. This means that if an Intellect item is better then the Strength item you have, that Strength item is *really* bad. If the INT item would be an improvement over the STR item then by all means: USE IT.
Peope inspecting you in BGs will yell at you if you've got a STR item equipped that's worse than the INT item you have since you're running around in astoundingly bad gear.

I would suggest to just keep wearing the INT item or buy something better but definitely never keep using an item that's way way too low for your level.
I don't think the problem is with equiping Intellect items. The problem is with the way you perceive it.

Intellect is not measured on the DK AutoEquip. This means that if an Intellect item is better then the Strength item you have, that Strength item is *really* bad. If the INT item would be an improvement over the STR item then by all means: USE IT.
Peope inspecting you in BGs will yell at you if you've got a STR item equipped that's worse than the INT item you have since you're running around in astoundingly bad gear.

I would suggest to just keep wearing the INT item or buy something better but definitely never keep using an item that's way way too low for your level.
I am sorry, but you are completely wrong here. Either you have not leveled a DK using AutoEquip, or you have never watched what gets equipped with what gear you have available. What prompted me to create this thread is because my DK kept equipping a 310 ilvl Intel chest that had high mastery, while I had a 289 chest with only strength and stamina in my bags. While the intel chest did have like ~35 more stamina and the mastery, it was something that NOBODY would ever equip over the strength chest. I ended up raising the strength weight, and lowering the mastery stat, along with adding in the -100 intel weight stat so hopefully this will fix the issue. US realms are down, will have to check later.
I am sorry, but you are completely wrong here. Either you have not leveled a DK using AutoEquip, or you have never watched what gets equipped with what gear you have available. What prompted me to create this thread is because my DK kept equipping a 310 ilvl Intel chest that had high mastery, while I had a 289 chest with only strength and stamina in my bags. While the intel chest did have like ~35 more stamina and the mastery, it was something that NOBODY would ever equip over the strength chest. I ended up raising the strength weight, and lowering the mastery stat, along with adding in the -100 intel weight stat so hopefully this will fix the issue. US realms are down, will have to check later.
First you say I am completely wrong, then you argue my exact point:
The problem is not with the INT stat. The problem is that the weight of the other stats isn't right. Point still stands: Given that the stat weights are right; if AE2 equips an INT item than it is so far superior to the other item that the STR on the other item doesn't help enough anymore.

You are saying the same that I'm saying: the INT on the item is not the operative factor here. Setting INT to -100 will make you equip worse items and thus doesn't help you in the end. Making sure that the other stats are correctly weighted is much more important.

The current problem is that stat weights are usually only filled for the highest tier level and thus AE2 has little value whilst leveling. Especially on any tank class where STA is by far the heaviest stat which means that iLEVEL does much more than DPS output for an item which results in tanks using INT/AGI items since they have more STA on them.
First you say I am completely wrong, then you argue my exact point:
You are saying the same that I'm saying: the INT on the item is not the operative factor here. Setting INT to -100 will make you equip worse items and thus doesn't help you in the end. Making sure that the other stats are correctly weighted is much more important.
Current weight set for blood death knight
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<WeightSet Class="DeathKnight" Specialization="1" Name="Death Knight-Blood">
given a simple item with these stats
3111 Armor
+310 Strength
+730 Stamina
would give
3111 Armor -> 55,998
+310 Strength -> 9,610
+730 Stamina -> 73,000
= 138,608 points

3231 Armor
+824 Stamina
+489 Intellect
+350 Spirit
would give
3231 Armor -> 58,158
+824 Stamina -> 82,400
+489 Intellect -> 0
+350 Spirit -> 0
= 140,558 points

So, from my understanding. If you gave int -100 the proper item would win as the new value for the Holy Pally helm would be 91,658. As the int weight would decrease it by 48,900 points.

For me, its not just weighing stats properly. (As universal stats like stam and mastery are quite valuable for tanks.) But adding to the weights to block out completely unnecessary stats like int

My question is. why do you still have the int gear in ur bags?
Greeding on random drops from raids I guess?
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The issue is weight set for blood dk's value mastery WAY WAY WAY too high, at the level of a primary stat. And as such, any item with mastery on it will win, since plate items either have int or str on it, its a 50/50 chance that it will get the right one. I am currently fixing some issues with ae2 as in its currentstate it is not very good for the upcomming release of dungeon buddy. I will also probably look into having the weight sets redone so that silly issues like this would go away.