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[StandAlone] Yet Another Relogger!

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Quick Question -

I run dual monitors, main monitor is on the right. I'd like to run bots on the left.
What coordinates do I need to put in YAR to have the windows manually position on the left screen? can't seem to put negatives in the numbers box
Latest demonbuddy version - DO NOT SELECT USE KICKSTART! it will enter an infinite profile loading loop on new game and won't work.
You just need to select the profile to load to be the YAR-Kickstart.xml but don't tick the option to use kickstarter - no idea why but this works so enjoy. :)
Quick Question -

I run dual monitors, main monitor is on the right. I'd like to run bots on the left.
What coordinates do I need to put in YAR to have the windows manually position on the left screen? can't seem to put negatives in the numbers box

Settings - autoposition - you can select which screen to work on
demonbuddy doesnt seem stable for me when running YAR with small windows. does the window size matter? i also notice more deaths..
is it me or the more bots you add in YAR the more it bugs out?

i wasn't having any issues when i was running 2 bots, now with 4 there's a shitload of problems :/
is it me or the more bots you add in YAR the more it bugs out?

i wasn't having any issues when i was running 2 bots, now with 4 there's a shitload of problems :/

yeah im running just 5 atm and it has to restart often...

also anybody know why sometimes it just leaves a game?
some crash or error occurs in D3 or DB, not sure, and YAR can't restart it.
when i came to it, D3 client was open at the login screen and DB was still holding last sessions data, so i gather that neither D3 client nor DB got re-started.
YAR stuck there, giving the error message that "demonbuddy delayed start failed", in a loop.

it's not the first time it happens, this last time two bots using two different copies of DB (not two instances of one copy) got stuck in this loop.

any idea what might be causing it? YAR log below.

[19:01:39.331 D] Node is 25.33632 away.
[19:01:39.407 D] Successfully generated path from {X=339,Y=253} to {X=337,Y=262} in 00:00:00.0000861 with 10(3) hops
[19:01:39.417 N] Closing error dialog
[19:01:39.484 D] Node is 21.74112 away.
[19:01:39.758 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 7 log items in 0ms
[19:01:41.254 D] Successfully generated path from {X=41,Y=24} to {X=337,Y=742} in 00:00:00.0314136 with 72(4) hops
[19:01:41.255 N] Waiting 4.6 seconds before next game...
[19:01:41.376 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 2 log items in 104.0059ms
[19:01:43.502 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Recieved MonsterPowerLevel: -1
[19:01:45.871 N] Creating new game, Params: <Act:A3 Difficulty:Inferno Quest:101758 QuestStep:1 ResumeFromSave:True IsPrivate:True Handicap:0>
[19:01:51.199 N] Waiting 4.1 seconds before next game...
[19:02:07.560 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Restarting bot
[19:02:07.560 N] Stopping the bot.
[19:02:07.560 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
[19:02:07.561 D] Navigator.Clear()
[19:02:07.561 D] Navigator.Clear
[19:02:07.561 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
[19:02:07.561 D] OnStop event
[19:02:07.561 D] OnStop Event Invoking
[19:02:07.561 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
[19:02:07.561 D] Resetting current behavior.
[19:02:07.599 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[19:02:07.773 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 11 log items in 0ms
[19:02:08.563 D] Forcing profile reload.
[19:02:08.682 N] Loaded profile Tinnkaizer v0.5
[19:02:08.682 D] Starting bot Order Bot
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [OutOfGame] 60f812c7-5a91-49e5-bfc0-4e64ad8329f3
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [Death] 87f10822-5036-4d28-bc61-db2272db7add
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [RoutineBuffs] 9589414f-4fe7-48eb-af84-d7cb2c3bcd5c
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 558c2f27-a94e-4bd9-81f9-fe356a01d14b
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [Combat] 43b6e376-852b-480a-bd1d-03fcf217a753
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [IdentifyItems] 9d6428f8-5425-4379-9f9a-0b17e5254974
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [StashItems] 3bb36fea-a4ec-4fb7-a5a9-bd3661fdccdb
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [SellAndRepair] 2797880f-602f-4708-b62e-96646296bc1f
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [SalvageItems] eb498d7c-ecb1-4415-be03-bd073d242324
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [VendorRun] eb5936cb-4c2b-489c-b051-0e1fb291b764
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [Loot] d203e22b-f54b-4e94-8229-cf3707f0c0b1
[19:02:08.682 D] Replaced hook [BotBehavior] 51cd1e11-bda9-4b1b-94e8-2bc0810eb8e5
[19:02:08.682 N] [Trinity]Note: Maintaining item stats from previous run. To reset stats fully, please restart DB.
[19:02:08.682 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Error: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!
[19:02:08.683 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Error:    at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
   at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
   at Zeta.Internals.Service.BnetHero.()
   at Zeta.Internals.Service.BnetHero.get_BattleTagName()
   at GilesTrinity.Technicals.FileManager.get_LoggingPath()
   at GilesTrinity.ItemRules.Interpreter.reset()
   at GilesTrinity.ItemRules.Interpreter.readConfiguration()
   at GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.TrinityBotStart(IBot bot)
   at Zeta.CommonBot.BotEvent.Invoke(IBot bot)
   at Zeta.CommonBot.BotMain.Start()
   at YARPLUGIN.YARPLUGIN.HandleResponse(String data)
   at YARPLUGIN.YARPLUGIN.Send(String data, Boolean pause, Boolean xml, Int32 retry, Int32 timeout)
[19:02:08.776 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 18 log items in 2.0001ms
[19:02:12.274 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Restarting bot
[19:02:12.274 D] Cannot stop a bot when it is not running.
[19:02:12.774 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 2 log items in 0ms
[19:02:13.274 D] Forcing profile reload.
[19:02:13.277 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 2 log items in 0ms
[19:02:13.396 N] Loaded profile Tinnkaizer v0.5
[19:02:13.396 D] Starting bot Order Bot
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [OutOfGame] eed0f838-ff37-4b41-9e79-8268c7b99608
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [Death] f52cae8c-3af7-462c-929f-567fc4c84bb5
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [RoutineBuffs] d933aac0-d0e5-4096-ad4b-aabd260954aa
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 542f91c8-65bc-493f-aee4-b708fc770ff8
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [Combat] 0fa91660-80a0-4f65-85ae-f72c0a4b1f20
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [IdentifyItems] 8adec8c3-b0b3-48d0-a72a-0cf244ffa9ce
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [StashItems] 1c47df5b-a003-4a44-bf23-316a956970dd
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [SellAndRepair] 1dd0ebfa-c207-4706-ae0a-3f5cf5493176
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [SalvageItems] 80b50e3f-4348-4a29-8edb-e2c1b161451d
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [VendorRun] 43758334-ba4b-4a10-bfa2-1ad447321fe4
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [Loot] 8fe0ef38-bbe4-466e-be25-19c658115c90
[19:02:13.396 D] Replaced hook [BotBehavior] 3a219596-45e6-494a-8149-e4cc6d398453
[19:02:13.396 N] [Trinity]Note: Maintaining item stats from previous run. To reset stats fully, please restart DB.
[19:02:13.396 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Error: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!
[19:02:13.397 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Error:    at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
   at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
   at Zeta.Internals.Service.BnetHero.()
   at Zeta.Internals.Service.BnetHero.get_BattleTagName()
   at GilesTrinity.Technicals.FileManager.get_LoggingPath()
   at GilesTrinity.ItemRules.Interpreter.reset()
   at GilesTrinity.ItemRules.Interpreter.readConfiguration()
   at GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.TrinityBotStart(IBot bot)
   at Zeta.CommonBot.BotEvent.Invoke(IBot bot)
   at Zeta.CommonBot.BotMain.Start()
   at YARPLUGIN.YARPLUGIN.HandleResponse(String data)
   at YARPLUGIN.YARPLUGIN.Send(String data, Boolean pause, Boolean xml, Int32 retry, Int32 timeout)
[19:02:13.779 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 18 log items in 2.0001ms

i'm using YAR (the experimental release) and DB .298
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Quick question for the profile sched. I'm running 5 different profiles and I'm wondering whats recommended for the Run number. If i put say a 100 for all will it still pick them randomly or run it 100 times before the next profiles ran?
Quick question for the profile sched. I'm running 5 different profiles and I'm wondering whats recommended for the Run number. If i put say a 100 for all will it still pick them randomly or run it 100 times before the next profiles ran?
leave the run number at 0 and just adjust the randomly add would be my recommendation. But to answer you question, yes it will run 100 times before moving on to the next.
Wokeup to some kinda runtime error, and now YR wont seem to work, getting the 'YAR.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close' error, any ideas?
Latest demonbuddy version - DO NOT SELECT USE KICKSTART! it will enter an infinite profile loading loop on new game and won't work.
You just need to select the profile to load to be the YAR-Kickstart.xml but don't tick the option to use kickstarter - no idea why but this works so enjoy. :)

well for me it loops when i use the yar-kickstarter.xml as profile and disable the option.

all the time states : ProfileOrdnermanageronGamejoined Reloading profile.

some idea what causes this?

but well as a workaround :

just use the Reloghelper from Tinnkaizer here http://www.thebuddyforum.com/demonb...ofiles/act-3/94018-a3-inferno-tinnkaizer.html and manualy open it, edit the line where it states Loadprofile = with the profile name .xml u want to use, make sure to put it in the same folder.
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Wokeup to some kinda runtime error, and now YR wont seem to work, getting the 'YAR.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close' error, any ideas?

Fixed by deleted old folder and re-downloading new one, have to save the bots.xml in settings folder so you dont start from beggining again
Click "Start All" (There should be only one YAR Bot for now). YAR will then launch Diablo first then DB. It will also create a YAR_Kickstart file in the same directory as the DB profile.
Click "Stop All" in Yar. this will close Diablo and DB.
Right click the Yar Profile and click "Edit." Click "Next" until Screen-4. Right click the Profile and "Delete". Re-load the profile but this time choose the YAR_Kickstart file in the same directory (NOT the starter file).
yar didnt create the YAR_Kickstart file, it start diablo and then db without log in into the account!! plz help me rlly need this relogger=)
Hmmm when I use the relogger ,after a few runs the bot starts to run only the last area from the profile ... any ideas ???
this relogger takes too much processor - makes demonbuddy run very spikey for me.... running only 5 bots and with yar on it goes from 85-100%, without its 45-55%
Hey I've been having a bit of problem with this. The relogger starts fine when I click "start all" and everything is perfect until DB and Diablo crash. The relogger doesn't do it's job and it keeps looping the same error over and over until I manually hit "Start All" again. Error - Pastebin.com There's the log.

Secret question handler.

If you change the volume-id, mac or the like this option would come in handy..! :)
So i keep getting this error when D3 crashes...

[03/02/2013 21:39:52] <bot> Demonbuddy:2068: Delayed start failed! (642,1322265 seconds overtime)
[03/02/2013 21:39:57] <bot> Demonbuddy:2068: Delayed start failed! (647,1175116 seconds overtime)
[03/02/2013 21:40:02] <bot> Demonbuddy:2068: Delayed start failed! (652,0957963 seconds overtime)

Anyone know how to fix? thans anyway
I keep getting this error and my bots will crash then restart and return to normal (happens frequently, maybe once an hour or so).

What did I set up wrong? or what can I do to stop this from happening? If you need a full log let me know and I will upload it.

D [2/4/2013 10:26:04 PM] Exception: [Pipe is broken.]
System.IO.IOException: Pipe is broken.
at System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.WinIOError(Int32 errorCode)
at System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.WriteCore(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at System.IO.Pipes.PipeStream.Write(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 count)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.Flush(Boolean flushStream, Boolean flushEncoder)
at System.IO.StreamWriter.Write(Char[] buffer, Int32 index, Int32 count)
at System.IO.TextWriter.WriteLine(String value)
at YetAnotherRelogger.Helpers.Communicator.HandleClient.Send(String msg)
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