[19:01:39.331 D] Node is 25.33632 away.
[19:01:39.407 D] Successfully generated path from {X=339,Y=253} to {X=337,Y=262} in 00:00:00.0000861 with 10(3) hops
[19:01:39.417 N] Closing error dialog
[19:01:39.484 D] Node is 21.74112 away.
[19:01:39.758 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 7 log items in 0ms
[19:01:41.254 D] Successfully generated path from {X=41,Y=24} to {X=337,Y=742} in 00:00:00.0314136 with 72(4) hops
[19:01:41.255 N] Waiting 4.6 seconds before next game...
[19:01:41.376 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 2 log items in 104.0059ms
[19:01:43.502 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Recieved MonsterPowerLevel: -1
[19:01:45.871 N] Creating new game, Params: <Act:A3 Difficulty:Inferno Quest:101758 QuestStep:1 ResumeFromSave:True IsPrivate:True Handicap:0>
[19:01:51.199 N] Waiting 4.1 seconds before next game...
[19:02:07.560 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Restarting bot
[19:02:07.560 N] Stopping the bot.
[19:02:07.560 D] CurrentBot.Stop()
[19:02:07.561 D] Navigator.Clear()
[19:02:07.561 D] Navigator.Clear
[19:02:07.561 D] TreeHooks.Instance.ClearAll()
[19:02:07.561 D] OnStop event
[19:02:07.561 D] OnStop Event Invoking
[19:02:07.561 D] ProfileOrderManager.OnBotStop. Resetting caches.
[19:02:07.561 D] Resetting current behavior.
[19:02:07.599 N] Bot Thread Ended. Was this requested?
[19:02:07.773 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 11 log items in 0ms
[19:02:08.563 D] Forcing profile reload.
[19:02:08.682 N] Loaded profile Tinnkaizer v0.5
[19:02:08.682 D] Starting bot Order Bot
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [OutOfGame] 60f812c7-5a91-49e5-bfc0-4e64ad8329f3
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [Death] 87f10822-5036-4d28-bc61-db2272db7add
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [RoutineBuffs] 9589414f-4fe7-48eb-af84-d7cb2c3bcd5c
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 558c2f27-a94e-4bd9-81f9-fe356a01d14b
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [Combat] 43b6e376-852b-480a-bd1d-03fcf217a753
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [IdentifyItems] 9d6428f8-5425-4379-9f9a-0b17e5254974
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [StashItems] 3bb36fea-a4ec-4fb7-a5a9-bd3661fdccdb
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [SellAndRepair] 2797880f-602f-4708-b62e-96646296bc1f
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [SalvageItems] eb498d7c-ecb1-4415-be03-bd073d242324
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [VendorRun] eb5936cb-4c2b-489c-b051-0e1fb291b764
[19:02:08.682 D] Added new hook [Loot] d203e22b-f54b-4e94-8229-cf3707f0c0b1
[19:02:08.682 D] Replaced hook [BotBehavior] 51cd1e11-bda9-4b1b-94e8-2bc0810eb8e5
[19:02:08.682 N] [Trinity]Note: Maintaining item stats from previous run. To reset stats fully, please restart DB.
[19:02:08.682 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Error: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!
[19:02:08.683 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Error: at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
at Zeta.Internals.Service.BnetHero.()
at Zeta.Internals.Service.BnetHero.get_BattleTagName()
at GilesTrinity.Technicals.FileManager.get_LoggingPath()
at GilesTrinity.ItemRules.Interpreter.reset()
at GilesTrinity.ItemRules.Interpreter.readConfiguration()
at GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.TrinityBotStart(IBot bot)
at Zeta.CommonBot.BotEvent.Invoke(IBot bot)
at Zeta.CommonBot.BotMain.Start()
at YARPLUGIN.YARPLUGIN.HandleResponse(String data)
at YARPLUGIN.YARPLUGIN.Send(String data, Boolean pause, Boolean xml, Int32 retry, Int32 timeout)
[19:02:08.776 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 18 log items in 2.0001ms
[19:02:12.274 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Restarting bot
[19:02:12.274 D] Cannot stop a bot when it is not running.
[19:02:12.774 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 2 log items in 0ms
[19:02:13.274 D] Forcing profile reload.
[19:02:13.277 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 2 log items in 0ms
[19:02:13.396 N] Loaded profile Tinnkaizer v0.5
[19:02:13.396 D] Starting bot Order Bot
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [OutOfGame] eed0f838-ff37-4b41-9e79-8268c7b99608
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [Death] f52cae8c-3af7-462c-929f-567fc4c84bb5
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [RoutineBuffs] d933aac0-d0e5-4096-ad4b-aabd260954aa
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [RoutineCombat] 542f91c8-65bc-493f-aee4-b708fc770ff8
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [Combat] 0fa91660-80a0-4f65-85ae-f72c0a4b1f20
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [IdentifyItems] 8adec8c3-b0b3-48d0-a72a-0cf244ffa9ce
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [StashItems] 1c47df5b-a003-4a44-bf23-316a956970dd
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [SellAndRepair] 1dd0ebfa-c207-4706-ae0a-3f5cf5493176
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [SalvageItems] 80b50e3f-4348-4a29-8edb-e2c1b161451d
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [VendorRun] 43758334-ba4b-4a10-bfa2-1ad447321fe4
[19:02:13.396 D] Added new hook [Loot] 8fe0ef38-bbe4-466e-be25-19c658115c90
[19:02:13.396 D] Replaced hook [BotBehavior] 3a219596-45e6-494a-8149-e4cc6d398453
[19:02:13.396 N] [Trinity]Note: Maintaining item stats from previous run. To reset stats fully, please restart DB.
[19:02:13.396 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Error: Could not read bytes from 00000000 [299]!
[19:02:13.397 N] [YetAnotherRelogger] Error: at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.ReadBytes(IntPtr address, Int32 count, Boolean isRelative)
at Zeta.MemoryManagement.ExternalProcessReader.Read[T](IntPtr address, Boolean isRelative)
at Zeta.Internals.Service.BnetHero.()
at Zeta.Internals.Service.BnetHero.get_BattleTagName()
at GilesTrinity.Technicals.FileManager.get_LoggingPath()
at GilesTrinity.ItemRules.Interpreter.reset()
at GilesTrinity.ItemRules.Interpreter.readConfiguration()
at GilesTrinity.GilesTrinity.TrinityBotStart(IBot bot)
at Zeta.CommonBot.BotEvent.Invoke(IBot bot)
at Zeta.CommonBot.BotMain.Start()
at YARPLUGIN.YARPLUGIN.HandleResponse(String data)
at YARPLUGIN.YARPLUGIN.Send(String data, Boolean pause, Boolean xml, Int32 retry, Int32 timeout)
[19:02:13.779 D] [YetAnotherRelogger] Scanned 18 log items in 2.0001ms