YAR Beginner Guide
I am new to YAR myself but I figured it out quickly enough and found some explanations in this thread, though very appreciated, is a bit confusing. Below is what I did to get YAR to work. I only did things at their most basic to get it running. Before you try this, I recommend disabling all plugins except for your combat routine (if any) in DB.
STEP 1 - Set up Demonbuddy Profiles Properly
In the /DemonBuddy/Profiles folder separate each profile (or profile set) into separate folders. For example right now I am using an Act-1 and and Act-2 champion hunting profiles, both which use a group of profiles with a "START HERE" profile (or something similar). So I have, for example:
- C:/Botting/DemonBuddy/Profiles/Act-1 Champ Hunting/ xml files...
- C:/Botting/DemonBuddy/Profiles/Act-2 Champ Hunting/ xml files...
STEP 2 - Install YAR
Download and extract YAR archive one directory up from DemonBuddy. So I have, for example:
- C:/Botting/DemonBuddy
- C:/Botting/Logs
- C:/Botting/Settings
- C:/Botting/ThirdParty
- C:/Botting/YetAnotherRelogger.exe
- C:/Botting/Changelog.txt
STEP 3 - YAR Bot #1 Setup
Start YAR & select "New"
- Screen 1-Self-explanatory. Fill in the info. If you are using Trinity select "GilesPlugin" for combat routine.
- Screen 2-Self-explanatory. Fill in the info. Remember Username is your complete battlenet email including the domain.
- Screen 3-Select days and time you want to bot. 24 columns = 24 hours starting at 0 (midnight) & 7 rows = 7 days. The "Randomization" value adds a random wait time. I have it set to 1 minimum and 2 maximum.
- Screen 4-Click on the drop down menu in the main screen. You will be asked to load a profile. Load the starter file for the first profile set you want. For example, In the Act1 profile folder there is a "Start Here" xml file. Put Runs to "1" for now.
- Screen 6-Ignore and click Save
STEP 4 - YAR Bot #1 Setup (Continued)
In the last step we have loaded one DB profile into YAR. However it is not complete because YAR will need to reference another file (NOT the DB profile loaded).
- So, back at the home screen of YAR after clicking "Save" above, close DB and Diablo completely.
- Click "Start All" (There should be only one YAR Bot for now). YAR will then launch Diablo first then DB. It will also create a YAR_Kickstart file in the same directory as the DB profile.
- Click "Stop All" in Yar. this will close Diablo and DB.
- Right click the Yar Profile and click "Edit." Click "Next" until Screen-4. Right click the Profile and "Delete". Re-load the profile but this time choose the YAR_Kickstart file in the same directory (NOT the starter file).
- Click Next, and then Save.
STEP 5 - Adding More Profiles
So now the process repeats for each other profile, starting from Step-3 -> Screen-4 above. Remember each DB-Profile directory will have its OWN YAR_Kickstart file. Therefore each YAR-profile will be linking to a YAR_Kickstart file (though the file name is the same, the directory is different).
STEP 6 - Adding More Bots
Restart at Step-3 for additional bots.
That's it! Once you have at least 2 YAR-profiles for a bot, click "Start All" and watch it go. Experiment with more settings and with randomization options. Start loading your other DB plugins
one at a time. Do this by running DB by it self (not through YAR). Enable one profile. Restart DB and test it out. Then start DB through YAR and test it out. Then repeat for each other plugin.