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[StandAlone] Yet Another Relogger!

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hmm got some truble after new db release with yar from time to time my diablo client crushes and yar just stop and do nothing, any idea how to fix it or just w8 for new version ?
Inactive pluggin on Demonbudy will cause overuse of CPU

That is, if YAR folder is in Pluguins folder, but YAR is not active, DB jumps to 14-16% peaks (on a i7 3770k), when usually is at 4-6%. that hapens every second and the CPU graph. looks like a psycho rollercoaster.
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That is, if YAR folder is in Pluguins folder, but YAR is not active, DB jumps to 14-16% peaks (on a i7 3770k), when usually is at 4-6%. that hapens every second and the CPU graph. looks like a psycho rollercoaster.
Why is YAR in your plugins folder? That's not required, and probably recommended that it is not.
Hey, I've done some searching but couldn't find an answer to my simple question...

Why does my bot/d3 not automatically start when I launch the relogger? I've tried to mess around with settings but I still can't find one which can automatically start my bots when Yet another relogger is launched

What am i missing herE?

Thanks in advance.
started up my YAR today and got this message spamming. Everything is still working, i just get this every 10 seconds in my YAR log.

[12/24/2012 12:25:36 AM] Relogger Crashed! with message Thread was being aborted.
[12/24/2012 12:25:37 AM] at System.Threading.Monitor.Enter(Object obj)
at System.Configuration.ApplicationSettingsBase.get_Item(String propertyName)
at YetAnotherRelogger.Helpers.ConnectionCheck.get_IsConnected()
at YetAnotherRelogger.Relogger.ReloggerWorker()
[12/24/2012 12:25:37 AM] Waiting 10 seconds and try again!
dont know what happened. i forgot to enable the host check. now the relogger tried to connect ever 6 minutes (my goldincativity timer) to log into the locked acount for 4 hours, never did that before even on account where i dont have hostcheck enabled. im kind of exited to see if blizzard has that one in their flaggin criterias aswell
with the experimental build ill get instant after starting YAR the error "yar does not work" from windows itself.

windows 8 OS.
Following a scheduled stop I'm getting an error in DB indicating that the profile has not been loaded. Aka KickStarter is not creating a new profile... I think. Any fix for this?
Can someone help me with the Profile Ramdomizer?

I selected 2 Profiles and Klicked "Randomly select from list" and added a 3 to "Max Count" but he still uses the First Profile in the List over and over again...
sNy89, I have the same problem, I have been trying to get it to work for a while now, and it just doesnt work, I hope this can be fixed or its just me doing something wrong.
Hi i have a problem with JAR. It works and so on but unfortunatly i have to manualy choose combat routine every time it lunches. I would like to avoid that step because it does the whole idea of automatization pointless :) Could someone tell me how to fix that? right now i can choose from 2 routines: generic and giles's one (which is the right one). Plz help me :)

Edit: im already using [Batch File] DB_Run: Command-line based Anti-Crash and Relogger and it has this "option"

set CombatRoutine=Belphegor All-in-One ---> Combat routine to be used.

Ive edited post to make it easier to understand what do i mean :)

sry for poor eng :)
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Hi i have a problem with JAR. It works and so on but unfortunatly i have to manualy choose combat routine every time it lunches. I would like to avoid that step because it does the whole idea of automatization pointless :) Could someone tell me how to fix that? right now i can choose from 2 routines: generic and giles's one (which is the right one). Plz help me :)

Edit: im already using [Batch File] DB_Run: Command-line based Anti-Crash and Relogger and it has this "option"

set CombatRoutine=Belphegor All-in-One ---> Combat routine to be used.

Ive edited post to make it easier to understand what do i mean :)

sry for poor eng :)

which trinity/routine version do you use?
Does this relog work with Authenticator?
My pc every 12hours must change IP .

I use relog-Aunthenticator alawys by my hands.(RodsAtom's Aunthenticatoe can't work)

any help ?:confused:
Does this relog work with Authenticator?
My pc every 12hours must change IP .

I use relog-Aunthenticator alawys by my hands.(RodsAtom's Aunthenticatoe can't work)

any help ?:confused:

YAR have an option for that in the "edit" menu...

i think u have to put your authenticator serial code in their
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