I'm doing this on HC with like 40 gph and I have 1.98 LPH.Is it nerfed or something? Always had ~2.4-3.0 l/h.
Im on 54 Games per hour for 10/h now and 0.98 legs.
Worst day ever?
Is it nerfed or something? Always had ~2.4-3.0 l/h.
Im on 54 Games per hour for 10/h now and 0.98 legs.
Worst day ever?
those of you experiencing 42002, most likely your account is flagged for botting and is being monitored. there was an official blue post over in technical support making an attempt to cover up the real objective of this error. the users experiencing the error is on a smaller scale of the general diablo population, so from their internal reports it appears to be very accurate in targetting botters. i'm sure with the scare and hysteria on these forums, those suspicions were confirmed -- at least that's what my interpretation is. take it with a grain of salt or not at all, but do not be surprised if you receive the dreaded email putting you 100 USD below
tinfoil hat at it's finest
an automated message to keep you from flooding the server is now a bot flagger? It's called server protection.
If there was a war against botters, we'd all be banned right now.
those of you experiencing 42002, most likely your account is flagged for botting and is being monitored. there was an official blue post over in technical support making an attempt to cover up the real objective of this error. the users experiencing the error is on a smaller scale of the general diablo population, so from their internal reports it appears to be very accurate in targetting botters. i'm sure with the scare and hysteria on these forums, those suspicions were confirmed -- at least that's what my interpretation is. take it with a grain of salt or not at all, but do not be surprised if you receive the dreaded email putting you 100 USD below
i suggest you to do some research before jumping on the bandwagon kiddo
i suggest you to do some research before jumping on the bandwagon kiddo
I thought so too, because I've had 2-3lph for weeks and dropped to under 1lph for a full day -- then I switched to another character for the night and was back up to 3lph. It's just RNG.
TrinityInteract has become depreciated in Trinity 1.9 in favor of MoveToActor. I tried using that tag instead in the profile but it's very buggy and refuses to do what it is intended.
Delete TrinityInteract.cs in the QuestTools Depreciated folder and copy TrinityInteract.cs from Trinity 1.8 to your Trinity 1.9 installation. Create a XmlTags folder if you have to.
I'm working on a new profile that works with Trinity 1.9 and Belphegor, I'm just waiting for CaptainAmerica to return to finish it and post it.