Hey nice profil will try this later
Do any 1 have numbers for amount of farmed Dinosaur Bone pr. hour useing this profil ????????
this profile can handle big one
OK, reported by somebody, there are too many people. can make a profile in the back of isle, the grinding area is too small.
Can anyone make a map on where to start this profile? It seems that it only tries to kill Primal Direhornes Hatchlings (As I am a retribution paladin, i can only kill one and I have to use many cooldowns to keep me up).
It seems that for a paladin, unless your protection it won't work. It might be able to kill like 1-2 but then you gotta wait like 10 minutes so that you lay on hands cd is available, its just too much to handle.how does this work for a monk or a paladin ?=
Tested it again with these results
Guardian druid (ilvl 500+):
Runtime: 2 hours, 2 minutes
Bones collected: 466
Primal eggs: 1
Protection warrior (ilvl 478):
Runtime: 1 hour, 3 minutes
Bones collected: 190
Primal eggs: 0
Brewmaster monk (ilvl 498):
Runetime: 1 hours, 22 minutes
Bones collected: 298
Primal eggs: 1
This is a great profile, provided that you are alone on the island (monitored it 90% while running to ensure that I was alone)! If you go as a tank, the damage output should be high if you want to get more bones/hour. The druid and monk accidently got aggro on two of these Primal Direhorn Hatchlings, but due to the somewhat high itemlevel, there was no issue with killing both. The warrior never experienced a double pull, so I got no info on that.
Also, make sure that you have some good defensive talents on (like second wind on warriors) before you start to ensure high survivability. I haven't died yet from this profile, but some new hotspots would be nice in case someone is using the same profile
So...I was killing oondasta today, and I was thinking man, this profile isn't going to work now, because oon respawns every couple hours now, and the route that the profile runs, is going straight through, where they pull oon down to the gy. Gonna be lots more people too. Just thought id point that out, if no one else has yet.
Edit: I was also using v1.3 I think, so idk if shane has made a new route from that or not. haven't tried the other versions.
Great informative postas for the double pulling issue, i get this on my dk also, even though he is only ilvl 430 he manages well so long as all his cd's are up. Im going to test something tonite which will hopefully abolish any chance of double pulling. If successful i'll post an update
Im thinking something along the lines of trying to use a ranged attack on a hatchling every hotspot to ensure the bot doesnt accidently run past a mob and end up pulling it on the way to the next, resulting in a double pull. If this works well i might be able to add some more dino's
so ive made some changes and wow, been running this for half an hour now and not a single double pull, will defo be able to add more dino's i think. will post a release when its ready
OK ive put a 1.6 beta release up, i havent fully tested it yet so test and report- the pulls are now individually written into the profile using your class's common short cooldown ranged ability, example being frost fever for dk or ice lance for mage. so this should abolish any double pulls. ive also added 2 more dinos, if this is successful i'll try to add more so we get a more realistic run. wait timers have been completely removed from this profile. have fun
Awesome job! I usually run the profiles in the morning at work (since people are sleeping or working/at school during those times) and that ensures me that I'm almost alone on the island. Profiles with different designated areas would be great (one farming south, one east, one north and one west) so you could choose another spot in case another botter/non-botter is farming at the beachMaybe that's too much work, I dunno, but I will definitely try the new version as soon as I get time! Keep up the good work, soon I got my new dinosaur