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The funniest thing with this guide is this would work perfect if the game just came out. Ive been botting for several years and i can tell you things are getting tougher and tougher everday to sell, and anyone who bots knows that toward the end of the week the prices on most stuff is down by half of what it started on monday. I bot 6 accounts, 3 chars ea on 3 different servers, i have every profession on each account. While this guide is a good thing for showing you what to sell, dont think for a second that this guy sells this stuff everyday for the prices and quantity he claims. Those of us that have been around for awhile and are in the trenches everyday fighting off lowballers and kids that put stuff up for half price and screw the AH all up know better
BTW i could make a screen shot like his in about 2 hrs on one of my servers,Also if this guy is asking for money
for his guide from 2005(lol) he should get banned from here
v.12 is coming late I've had alot of irl issues and have been doing some tweaking. Working on it as we speak and hope to have it out either tonight or tomorrow morning.
"Now for the bad news I am only releasing one more version of my gold guide. I have just been to busy to dedicate a full time project I will however finish the guide for cataclysm. I don't see the point right now creating a full gold making guide for wotlk when theres only 2-4 months left until cataclysm release. I think its pretty obvious how to make gold and become profitable right now so i'm just doing one last update and calling it until cata release. "
Expect the last version to come out in a week or so.
The 'guide' was garbage anyway. I don't see much point in teaching a forum of botters how to make gold by hand, since many of us have an endless supply of gold from GB/HB anyway. Besides, there weren't even any new or unique methods of farming mentioned in his guide - he simply compiled information and well known farming methods from other sources. In addition, the numbers listed are grossly overestimated. 7-8k/hr in Karazhan and Blackwing Lair? Shut the fuck up. Even if you get passed Vael in BWL (because it's not possible with 2-3 people) and farm elementium ore with soft resets, you won't get anywhere remotely close to 7-8k/hr.
This guide is garbage, it's simply an attempt from a now known scammer to make a few quick dollars off the abundance of idiots on this forum.