What's the best way to make gold using HB/GB ? Right now I farm ore and herbs overnight and sell the raw materials on the AH. The problem is that the market is flooded and prices are rock bottom. As such, I make very little gold
What's the best way to make gold using HB/GB ? Right now I farm ore and herbs overnight and sell the raw materials on the AH. The problem is that the market is flooded and prices are rock bottom. As such, I make very little gold
Yes, I agree what I made should be common knowledge. The problem, is that it isn't. I've bought a few gold guides in my life and not one of them told me to farm sfk. Basically they all just include 400g/hr eternal fire spots and methods of playing the auctionhouse when in fact this information is not only old and irrelevant but also not the maximum potential one can achieve. So, i'm supplying this common knowledge for free and hopefully educating the masses.Had a skim read through and in all honesty if people are serious about making money from warcraft and HB/GB then they should already know 99% of this stuff.
Please take this post as a criticism rather than an attack, I just want to see something new and fresh that hasn't already been discussed to death over on mmowned.
No what he means is that those parts of the guide will be available when he starts selling it. He's not contributing to anything. Making up fairy tales is part of the reason we have 100's if not 1000's of believe brick level intelligence botters making it harder for everyone. DUH, ME CAN MAKE $150K PLAYING WOW , SIGNS ME UPZ FOR DAT STUFFS.
I do wonder is that 'Vanilla capped twink' priest running battlegrounds all day? If so why?
64g = 4 @ 16g Ebonweave
96g = 4 @ 24g Moonshroud
3g = 1 @ 3g Eternium Thread
163g Mat Value/Cost
Read through and in the "Recommended Toons" section and for a Rogue, Warrior, and Priest it suggests Tailoring as a profession for the CD's but that appears to be an obsolete recommendation. As of patch 3.3.3 the only Tailoring CD that remains that I am aware of is the Glacial Bag which is at 7 days. Using averages from the realms I play, here is the breakdown:
Code:64g = 4 @ 16g Ebonweave 96g = 4 @ 24g Moonshroud 3g = 1 @ 3g Eternium Thread ----- 163g Mat Value/Cost
The average AH value of a Glacial Bag is around 300g, so the above yields an increased profit of 147g per week, or for the cooldown period an average of just 21g per day. There may be other reasons for taking Tailoring (balancing professions across a large number of toons, preparing for opportunity in Cata, etc.) but there wouldn't seem to be a sufficient return on the investment of leveling a tailor at 21g per day. This may pertain to some of other the professions as well post-3.3.3, but I noticed this one having recently leveled a tailor.
For the purpose of your document, the selectiong of a character class and the profession are separate. My suggestion is to break that section into two: Character Class Recommendations and Profession Recommendations. Cover which character classes you feel lend themselves to the style of farming you recommend and which professions provide the biggest return.
One more note... you may want to post the recommended level/gearscore for farming the instances/raids and suggestions on gearing quickly. You recommended a 6.5k gs lvl 80 ret pally or dk but unless you buy one already equipped, your best option is probably a ICC25 GDKP raid or paying a guild to to carry you for a couple weeks reserving all of a certain type of loot for you. Those are more prevalent now in the lull as people wait for Cata to come out.
On the gearscore part, my two suggestions may have blended as one the way I presented them. I was suggesting you post a minimum recommended level/gear score for each instance you recommend farming since you can farm SFK a long ways before hitting 80. And for those wanting to farm the highest end content, provide suggestions on how to close in on the 6500gs referenced. If I understand correctly, this is a gold making guide and not a gold selling guide. Buying a geared toon for $800 could make good business sense to a gold seller if they evaluate they can get a return on that investment, but its not a viable suggestion for someone that struggled with the decision to part with $9.95 for your guide to make more gold so they wouldn't have to buy from sellers. The levels/min gs help this latter target audience start making gold now while they work to gear up and farm the higher level content.Finally, some great advice thank you. I will add most of that. The reason I said 6500+ gs ret pally with sm is because of the listed raids aq40 and on. You usually cant 100% solo these instances unless you have one. I agree the mining/tailoring recommendations as of 3.3 are useless because there are no cooldowns. I was actually using the mindset of preparing for cata. Jumping into an expansion with cooldowns...etc at the ready will become very profitable. I didn't put that in the guide and should have.
You're absolutely right. I agree 100% thank you. Ok guys I finally have a free day today since I sold my stock last night so i'll be working on my guide all day today and will be releasing 0.11 tonight.