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ShamWOW for HB2 - An Enhance/Elemental/Resto + PVP/RaF Healbot by Bobby53

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New ShamWOW 4.3.11 available!

Quick release to address a couple quick issues:

- Self-healing when in a party / raid fixed
- Will run with Combat_NoMovement without identifying a tank/leader (just no Earth Shield)
- Fixed problem with detecting need to Save Tank or Healer at very low health

I have not been able to test this release thoroughly. I will be out of town for several days so if you have problems with this release, rollback to 4.3.09 which is still available from the download post.
Hi bobby does this mean that earth shield needs to be applied manually with the new release? Is there any work around like set the leader plugin? Does it still attempt to select the tank and this change is in case it fails to?

Also there was a thread about arena bot which got me thinking of a feature that would work well in Shamwow. Being able to turn off all casting routines in favor of instant ones such as totem/trinket/decursing/intterupt/instant heal (nature swiftness greater healing wave for emergency/riptide). So a player would attempt to use heals and casts and kite while the bot would snipe.

Right now some of this is built into my macros so it automatically drops grounding totem in my cast sequence and shocks are coupled with windshear. However this is imperfect compared to how the combat bot does it.

[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000][10:25:24 PM:26] Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object.
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject. [T](UInt32 field)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject. [T](Int32 offsetIndex)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.GetCurrentPower(WoWPowerType type)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_CurrentHealth()
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_Dead()
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWPlayer.get_IsAlive()
at Bobby53.Shaman.ChooseHealTarget(Double healLessThan, SpellRange rchk) in d:\s4pg\skype\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\ShamWOW.HealManager.cs:line 472
at Bobby53.Shaman.HealRaid() in d:\s4pg\skype\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\ShamWOW.HealManager.cs:line 54
at Bobby53.Shaman.CombatResto() in d:\s4pg\skype\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Shaman.cs:line 4602
at Bobby53.Shaman.CombatLogic() in d:\s4pg\skype\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Shaman.cs:line 3739
at Bobby53.Shaman.Combat() in d:\s4pg\skype\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Shaman.cs:line 3707
[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][10:25:24 PM:27] % RAFSTAT Exit COMBAT: H=100.0% M=95.4% melee:0,range:7,mecombat:Y,memoving:N,metarg:Cobalt Serpent.D5A5 at 3.6 yds
[10:25:24 PM:27] % RAFSTAT Exit COMBAT: tnkH=84.8% tnkcombat:Y tnkmoving:N at 7.2 yds,tktarg:Cobalt Serpent.D5A5 at 3.6 yds
[10:25:24 PM:303] % RAFSTAT Enter COMBAT: H=100.0% M=95.4% melee:0,range:7,mecombat:Y,memoving:N,metarg:Cobalt Serpent.D5A5 at 3.6 yds
[10:25:24 PM:303] % RAFSTAT Enter COMBAT: tnkH=84.8% tnkcombat:Y tnkmoving:N at 7.2 yds,tktarg:Cobalt Serpent.D5A5 at 3.6 yds
[10:25:24 PM:331] % SetTotemsAsNeeded: earth: Y fire: Y water: Y air: Y
[10:25:24 PM:361] % WaitForCurrentSpell: no cast or gcd in progress
[10:25:24 PM:363] EXCEPTION in Combat() - HonorBuddy API or CC Error
[/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000][10:25:24 PM:364] Styx.InvalidObjectPointerException: Cannot read a descriptor on an invalid object.
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject. [T](UInt32 field)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWObject. [T](Int32 offsetIndex)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.GetCurrentPower(WoWPowerType type)
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_CurrentHealth()
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWUnit.get_Dead()
at Styx.WoWInternals.WoWObjects.WoWPlayer.get_IsAlive()
at Bobby53.Shaman.ChooseHealTarget(Double healLessThan, SpellRange rchk) in d:\s4pg\skype\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\ShamWOW.HealManager.cs:line 472
at Bobby53.Shaman.HealRaid() in d:\s4pg\skype\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\ShamWOW.HealManager.cs:line 54
at Bobby53.Shaman.CombatResto() in d:\s4pg\skype\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Shaman.cs:line 4602
at Bobby53.Shaman.CombatLogic() in d:\s4pg\skype\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Shaman.cs:line 3739
at Bobby53.Shaman.Combat() in d:\s4pg\skype\CustomClasses\ShamWOW\Shaman.cs:line 3707
[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]Got this while running Instancebuddy wit an lvl 67 elemental shaman...
Hi bobby does this mean that earth shield needs to be applied manually with the new release? Is there any work around like set the leader plugin? Does it still attempt to select the tank and this change is in case it fails to?

Also there was a thread about arena bot which got me thinking of a feature that would work well in Shamwow. Being able to turn off all casting routines in favor of instant ones such as totem/trinket/decursing/intterupt/instant heal (nature swiftness greater healing wave for emergency/riptide). So a player would attempt to use heals and casts and kite while the bot would snipe.

Right now some of this is built into my macros so it automatically drops grounding totem in my cast sequence and shocks are coupled with windshear. However this is imperfect compared to how the combat bot does it.
Correct. You can use SetTheLeader to provide the the tank selection needed with Combat_NoMovement.cs (so ShamWOW will automatically apply Earth Shield on them as expected.)

I have started development on a version that provides an alternate combat experience in PvP. Some of it is taken from suggestions by thesirren in posts beginning here [CLICK HERE]. Take a look at those and my responses and you'll get a sense for some things that will be in the next major release. If you have any other thoughts/suggestions regarding PvP behavior please post them as this is a good time to consider them before going to far down a specific path.
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[SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000][SIZE=1][COLOR=#ff0000]<-- wall of text deleted for space -->
[/COLOR][/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE]Got this while running Instancebuddy wit an lvl 67 elemental shaman...
menfbeast, Unfortunately there isn't enough information in a partial log file for me to work with. Please see the Frequently Asked Questions page [CLICK HERE] for steps on posting the information needed for me to look into any ShamWOW behavior you have observed and have a question about or issue with. Thanks and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
I have been thinking about a few things regarding healing also. This is something all CC classes should be able to do, and that is cancel the current heal if health < X %


You start healing because target health < X of the value in the settings, if it get below critical during the cast, lets say 35% it should cancel it and cast instant / low cast time heal.
I'm not sure how to explain it better, so here is a picture :)

When I hea,l I often have to cancel a long cast heal and cast a fast one to keep the tank up or pvp target.

ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
Patch to randomize combat movement avoidance

Patch attached to randomize combat movement avoidance.

What it did before with CC movement enabled: Strafe right every time it was too close to a MOB (and notify the user that it moved in the log)

What it does now with CC movement enabled: Move a random direction away from the MOB (and notify the user with the specific direction used in the log)

The patch is tested for 4309, but I didn't see any changes to the combat movement sub in 4310, so it should be a direct patch for that as well. Please ignore the change on line 2861 (it's not part of the patch).


Well i finaly decided to take my Shaman from 80 to 85.

Got it to 84.5 with questing profiles on the forums and then downloaded this to heal some random dungeons for the last 50% EXP.

And would just like to say this CC is AMAZING! Other CC creators could learn alot by looking at your CC. If only all the defualt CC's in HB was like this one.

Keep up the fantastic work. And after seeing how well this works im going to give your plugins a try too :)
Well i finaly decided to take my Shaman from 80 to 85.

Got it to 84.5 with questing profiles on the forums and then downloaded this to heal some random dungeons for the last 50% EXP.

And would just like to say this CC is AMAZING! Other CC creators could learn alot by looking at your CC. If only all the defualt CC's in HB was like this one.

Keep up the fantastic work. And after seeing how well this works im going to give your plugins a try too :)

This, also the activity and politenes Bobby show cause the users to be much more constructive when it comes to feedback. The best CC for HB without doubt.
Bobby, I seem to only have problems with Shamwow on end bosses. Cho'gall, Nefarion and Al'akir. I play as resto for Al'akir and Nefarion but Cho'gall i play as Elemental. For some reason the CC will just freeze up and not do anything on any of those bosses. I'll try and get some logs for you this week but i was wondering if anyone else had any sort of problems on these specific bosses. Every other boss works just fine besides sometimes a little hiccup on Ascendant Council when i have the tornado buff that keeps you in the air the CC doesnt like to heal then either. But like i said ill try and get you a few logs this week of what im encountering and see if it can get resolved. Thanks again.
Been playing with it, I love this cc profile.The only thing I wish you could do is use thunderstorm when stunned.Or perhaps you could see what debuff it is and go from their.Anyways either you do it or not it is still great.
Been playing with it, I love this cc profile.The only thing I wish you could do is use thunderstorm when stunned. Or perhaps you could see what debuff it is and go from their.Anyways either you do it or not it is still great.
apepi, Error on my part. Thunderstorm used to be used when Stunned, but was broken during the last major overhaul a few months ago and not caught till your post. I'll include a fix in next release. Note: I would err on the side of always providing a log file. It takes very little time to select and upload. 99% of the time you can predict that my response to any member post missing a log file will be to request one and provide a link to Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for steps on how to attach. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
Bobby, I seem to only have problems with Shamwow on end bosses. Cho'gall, Nefarion and Al'akir. I play as resto for Al'akir and Nefarion but Cho'gall i play as Elemental. For some reason the CC will just freeze up and not do anything on any of those bosses. I'll try and get some logs for you this week but i was wondering if anyone else had any sort of problems on these specific bosses. Every other boss works just fine besides sometimes a little hiccup on Ascendant Council when i have the tornado buff that keeps you in the air the CC doesnt like to heal then either. But like i said ill try and get you a few logs this week of what im encountering and see if it can get resolved. Thanks again.
dshiizznitt, I can't tell without a log file. If it stops DPS, it is most likely because it detects the mob is immune and the immunity appears to be a permanent rather than temporary immunity. If that is the problem, you can go to CC Configuration and disable the Detect Immunities option. I would err on the side of always providing a log file with posts, even if you are uncertain whether its an issue. It takes less time to attach a log file and upload than to type out the observation most times, and usually you can predict my response to any member post missing a log file will be to request one and provide a link to Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for steps on how to attach. Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, Bobby53
I've been using this to level my Shaman from 1 to 85 and I have to say that I'm really impressed. Alot of CCs should learn more from yours!

That being said, I'd like to point out some areas it could need improvement:

Totem Auto-Detection improvement while in InstanceBuddy groups (for better group synergy)
- Should check what buffs do the other players bring to the table and adjust acordingly

Combat/Heal/Heal Only mode:
- Sometimes the bot off-heals even if the players are not under the configured %, and, if in combat only mode, it doesn't /stopcast if the target gets over that %.
- Sometimes it DPSs in Heal Only mode (and I'm not talking about Lightning Bolt, but I've seen it cast Lava Burst while in heal-only mode)

Keeping in mind that alot of players are using ShamWoW to raid, an "Apply" button would be really useful in the configuration dialogue so you can change settings on the fly.

That being said, Here's a list of auras and their totem equivalents:

Strength of Earth Totem == Horn of Winter == Battle Shout
Stoneskin Totem == Devotion Aura
Windfury Totem == Hunting Party == Improved Icy Talons
Totem of Tranquil Mind == Concentration Aura
Wrath of Air Totem == Moonkin Form == Mind Quickening
Flametongue Totem (Totemic Wrath) == Demonic Pact
Elemental Resistance Totem == Resistance Aura
Hey - first of all love the CC

The only problem that i am noticing is that my shaman is not casting his weapon buffs. He is only level 11 and flametongue is the only weapon enchant that I have available to me, but he is not using it. I have tried selecting Auto weapon enchants as well as manually selecting Flametongue for main hand and offhand. Thanks!
I've been using this to level my Shaman from 1 to 85 and I have to say that I'm really impressed. Alot of CCs should learn more from yours! That being said, I'd like to point out some areas it could need improvement:
Totem Auto-Detection improvement while in InstanceBuddy groups (for better group synergy)
- Should check what buffs do the other players bring to the table and adjust acordingly
Combat/Heal/Heal Only mode:
- Sometimes the bot off-heals even if the players are not under the configured %, and, if in combat only mode, it doesn't /stopcast if the target gets over that %.
- Sometimes it DPSs in Heal Only mode (and I'm not talking about Lightning Bolt, but I've seen it cast Lava Burst while in heal-only mode)
Keeping in mind that alot of players are using ShamWoW to raid, an "Apply" button would be really useful in the configuration dialogue so you can change settings on the fly.
That being said, Here's a list of auras and their totem equivalents:
[I][B]<-- cut for space -->[/B][/I][/QUOTE]
znuffie, Thanks for the post. Regarding the opportunities for improvement:
1. Totem selection based upon buffs - I'll give this some additional thought.  I had begun implementing this some time ago but stopped for higher priority items.  In situations where this is critical the user should not be AFK'ing ( Heroics and Raids ) and is able to select the appropriate totems in the CC Configuration themselves.  Totem selection can be made while the Bot is running.
2. Off-heal when player above configured % - I need a log file for this.  
3. DPS in Heal Only mode - I need a log file for this.
4. You can change settings on the fly, but it currently will close the Configuration window.  Some settings like totems and others don't take full effect until the character is out of combat.
For the observed behavior mentioning a log file is needed, please see [B][URL="http://www.thebuddyforum.com/honorbuddy-forum/classes/shaman/5336-shamwow-hb2-enhance-elemental-resto-pvp-raf-healbot-bobby53.html#post62512"]Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE][/URL][/B] for steps on how to attach a complete debug log file as well as the additional detail needed (approximate system time you observed the behavior.)  Thanks for the post and I'll keep an eye out for the additional info, Bobby53
Hey - first of all love the CC The only problem that i am noticing is that my shaman is not casting his weapon buffs. He is only level 11 and flametongue is the only weapon enchant that I have available to me, but he is not using it. I have tried selecting Auto weapon enchants as well as manually selecting Flametongue for main hand and offhand. Thanks!
kauf6498, I don't get the same results in my testing. Please see Frequently Asked Questions [CLICK HERE] for steps on how to attach a complete debug log file as well as the additional detail needed (approximate system time you observed the behavior.) Thanks for the post and I'll keep an eye out for the additional info, Bobby53
HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/PVP/Mixed/Quest/RaF
Shamans Location: Westfall
What should have happened (be specific): Apply Flametongue Weapon to Main hand and Off hand weapon
What did happen (be specific): Continued grinding with no weapon enhancement
System time of issue (log time stamp): 7:02 PM


Well i finaly decided to take my Shaman from 80 to 85.

Got it to 84.5 with questing profiles on the forums and then downloaded this to heal some random dungeons for the last 50% EXP.

And would just like to say this CC is AMAZING! Other CC creators could learn alot by looking at your CC. If only all the defualt CC's in HB was like this one.

Keep up the fantastic work. And after seeing how well this works im going to give your plugins a try too :)

Sorry for being a total idiot, but could you/someone tell me how you have configured your honorbuddy? I'm in similar situation but would really appreciate a quick guide for dungeons. I want to move my self but ShamWow to do all healing and stuff. Do I have to do it with Mr.Autofight and SetTank(or what was the name) plugin?
Bobby, this CC is awesome.

Just 1 question; how do I disable the IMMUNE check function.
It really screws with Raid DPS as enhancement.

A few post back you said this:

If that is the problem, you can go to CC Configuration and disable the Detect Immunities option.

But I can't find that option.

Edit #2: The reason for this is due to the fact most bosses are immune to most secondary effects of spells. For example, the daze effect from aftermath dont work on bosses, this makes the CC think that the boss is immune to fire and stop using firebased attacks, same with the silence effect on garrote, that makes the CC act like the boss is immune to physical attacks. This eventually leads to the CC thinking that the boss is immune to more or less all forms of attacks.

For example:

[00:48:10:132] ### IMMUNE to Physical, should not cast Garrote - Silence on Argaloth [#47120]
[00:47:33:152] ### IMMUNE to Fire, should not cast Aftermath on Argaloth [#47120]

Atleast thats my theory to why it stops using most skills in raids.
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