Haha I just edited my post. I had already reinstalled HB and the CC. Restarted computer. Tried with HB and the or whatever version. -edit- I had posted that other stuff as I saw HB giving the error. The log looked really sloppy because I had to keep manually moving and casting as people ran up on me which started to interfere with things. If I load HB and just hit start, I get the Flametongue error. Then I cast that manually and get the next error I listed. So then I cast mana shield manually and target an enemy and the Lightning Bolt error is given. All the same error of not being able to cast it yet. I will run it again to get a clear log file tho.
Alright, ran it again. It gave same error so I manually casted Flametongue. It didnt do anything so I hit stop/start, then it gave me the manashield error like crazyyyy.. Once I manually casted that it mounted and ran, once it found ane enemy, it started the rest of the spam errors.
w00t, Something is not right, so lets keep it simple. I'm focused on the initial failure of the cast of Flametongue Weapon, so for now no need to progress past that (since if that is failing, there is no reason anything past that will succeed for you.) Here are some key points I need you to consider in creating the issue again:
1. The log shows a plug-in named Jumpy enabled. Need you to please do a "clean" install as mentioned in prior post which would include no plug-ins except possibly AutoEquip (which should be disabled) since it is bundled with the HonorBuddy distribution.
2. Have you cleared your WOW Cache? I had forgotten to mention that in prior "clean" install description.
3. Initial login. After clicking Login, give it a few more seconds if it fails. The appearance in the log file is that a login attempt is being performed every 2 seconds until successful. No idea if this has an impact, just noticed it looks distinctly difference from mine, even when I have failures.
4. I am only interested in initial Flametongue Weapon cast (since once that fails nothing after it succeeds.) So no need to manually apply or move since things have already gone badly.
5. I can't tell from the log how long after the attempt to cast Flametongue before you clicked Stop so let me know roughly how long you wait. It looks immediate, but that's because there is no time stamp on the halt.
This seems to be something particular to the state of your environment at the moment as the issue has not been reported by other members. I'm also unable to recreate it with what I believe are the same settings (with the exception of the plug-in.) Please reattempt accounting for the items above. It would also be worth while running HB with two other characters: a newly created Level 1 Shaman (level him until 4 where he can train Rockbiter Weapon then exit and restart.) Also with any class you have other than a Shaman to check whether its system wide or CC specific.
Thanks for your help and hopefully we can get this resolved for you quickly.