The included version of ShamWoW on works fine at the moment
Thanks spud... That is fixed in the pending release.Hello Bobby, i have also some problems with the totems. when in fight the mana spring totem gets destroyed it cast the totem very often also after there is a new one. also sometimes drops the set of totems ... cast totemik recall and set the totem recalls them and set them ... the rest works very nice ... sincery spud
I'll look into this later today. 1:40 in the morning hear and growing weary of HonorBuddy releases being posted that force an upgrade (due to auth servers) and include things that break existing CC's.Yea.. thats version 1.0, a tad dated. I'm just wondering if it continues to work because of its simplicity or if the HB programmers purposely upgraded the 1.0 version for this release.
Mastersagent:HonorBuddy Mode: Grind/PVP/Mixed/Quest/RaF
Shamans Location: Durota
What should have happened (be specific): Trying 2 load profile and I click on the shaman.cs file 2 load the profile and the error message Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1. I even deleted all of honorbuddy and gatherbuddy folder and reinstalled everything from scratch. Same message everytime.
What did happen (be specific): The error message shows up with the box Ignore this error and attempt to continue. Please tell Bossland GmbH about this problem. Send Error Report Don't Send
System time of issue (log time stamp): 11:33 A.M.
Appreciate the detail Joker76, thank you!. You should have had a PM waiting from me. My response covered the issues explaining in detail more about the In Combat and Out of Combat differences. An update will be coming soon that addresses some of these.