Hey Bobby -- I just have a question, so no need for logs or anything, because I'm not reporting any bugs or use problems. ShamWoW is working great. I just wanted to get some information from you about what ShamWoW considers to be "low level" mobs. I see the drop-down for "Farming Low Level Mobs" and "Normal". I've been using the low level setting for everything that was pre-Cataclysm because my shaman can one-shot 99% of everything that is WotLK and lower. I know the difference is that it doesn't drop totems on low level farming, and it only uses lightning bolt and flame shock, but what I'd like to know is what does it consider "low level"? Are there any specifics? Right now I'm using a skinning profile and it's in Uldum, so I set everything back to "Normal" and "Auto" for the grinding /settings. I only did that because it takes more than one LB and FS to kill the Uldum crocs. Could it still be set to the low level farming while in Uldum? Should I even do that? I'm just trying to appear as normal as a regular player would. My shaman is 378/380 ilevel, and I'm using my Ele spec, instead of my Resto spec.
zeldrak, Thanks for the post and good question! ShamWOW has support for identifying stressful situations, but there is no logic to identify a mob as trivial. The Combat Style=Farming Low Level Mobs provides a mechanism to allow users to work around it. In reviewing the code to answer your question about whether you should use that setting in Uldum, I would have to say No. I didn't test, but it appears there is a bug. The LB/FS casts you mentioned are occurring during the PULL. Since they die quickly, the COMBAT behavior isn't needed. However, if they survive and the Combat behavior is invoked, it appears an Elemental will only cast Thunderstorm or Chain Lightning and only if multiple mobs are present.
If you are are trying to reduce actions taken when farming, you can set each Totem selected for Questing/Grinding to None. That would skip the totem set portion of combat, but retain the rest of the full rotation. I'll fix the farming issue mentioned in the next release.
Oh, and I do have a request from you, if you mind doing it that is? I saw how you posted some items for leveling as Enhanced, and the main thing I was interested in was the AE2 file you posted for Enh leveling. Could you do that for a Resto/Ele spec? If it's too much of a bother, and a pain, I understand. Don't worry about it. But, if you can whip those two up with minimal trouble, and you feel like doing it, that would be absolutely great.
The settings for Enhancement caused the most questionable gear selections as described in the post you referenced and others on the forum. The Restoration weights are fine and should work with no problem (at least with regards to choosing +agi gear rather than +int gear.) The Elemental weight appear to have an issue, but it is not one that will occur as frequently as the Enhancement problem. With the default Elemental gear weightings in HB you can get in a situation where an item with +agi/+cri/+hit will be valued over a +int/+spi item because +hit is so highly weighted (100), +cri (40) is moderately weighted, and spirit (0) is so lowly rated. However the Elemental Leveling build recommended has points in Elemental Precision, at which point Spirit should have the same rating as Hit. It actually should have a higher value to you personally since you can reuse a Spirit item when you switch between Elemental and Resto, where as a pure +Hit item has no benefit for Resto. For AutoEquip to work accurately for Elemental Shaman, the defaults should include Spirit weighted the same or higher than Hit and then the actual weight used scaled based upon the number of talent points in Elemental Precision. Lacking that, it seems the best thing would be to provide an Elemental Shaman weight set good for leveling only. It would be useful only while leveling (actually before reaching the Hit Cap) because since at that point the weighting is no longer valid. Unfortunately you don't have the ability to select weights to use in the same way you do talent builds, so users would need to manage this either by copying individual files or having an HB installation setup for leveling and another setup for end game. I have attached my suggested stat weights to this post. A link is provided in the file so you can see the gear selection priority in action for Leather Chests an Ele would use prior to hitting Level 40.
All in all, thanks a ton for your work Bobby, because as I said before without it my shaman would have been deleted a long time ago. I meant to comment on this in this post, but I forgot, so I had to go back and edit it in. You say you're improving on AoE vs Single Target healing? I've done several DS runs as a rDPS (SV Hunter), and I know that healing DS is a pretty tedious raid to heal. I've listened and watched the healers (through Vent and in-game), and I have to say they're constantly busy. I've seen them OOM quite often, and with two shamans already healing, they alternate their mana regen totem CDs. With these improvements you're making, I already saw that you said HPS will increase, but will it also take into consideration mana conservation vs throughput? Will the changes also use the T12/13 set bonuses for healing? Right now I only have the T12 2-piece bonus, which uses Riptide for mana regen (if memory serves me correctly). I was thinking about putting my shaman in the alt runs as a healer. I don't know much at all about DS healing, but I know there are certain things that need to be dispelled, certain phases that need to be soaked and picked up as a healer, etc. Does ShamWoW have DS logic like some of the other CCs? I'm extremely interested in all of this because DS is honestly the first raid I've ever done in all of my time playing WoW, which is about six years. I've never raided before, and I find it quite fun, but since discovering HB I've forgotten how to play the game completely, except for movement, lol.
Basically it should react a little faster, which should result in higher HPS or better Mana Conservation depending upon the healing %'s you have shown. ShamWOW already has mana management via %'s you can set for abilities and cancelling non-AoE spell casts that would result in. AoE spellcasts are allowed to continue even if the initial target will be overhealed because of the jump/splash that occurs to nearby raid members still being useful. ShamWOW also already detects and reacts to the T12 2PC (rolls Riptide) and T13 4PC (uses Spirit Link as personal Bloodlust) Resto Bonuses if you have the gear equipped. You can easily run LFR now as Resto without having to know any strategy other than the stuff you already know from running as Elem, but your numbers will be lower. Your numbers will benefit from knowing the strats (use the Crystals to buff healing in Ultraxion fight, avoid getting stunned in Warmaster Blackhorn fight, etc.) You will go OOM if you don't have decent raid gear, in the same way you go OOM healing Heroics at the point you are trying to farm gear from them. Just make sure to take advantage of a Telluric Currents build and you should have no problem unless the other healers in LFR are also undergeared. To run in Normal or Heroic DS however, you will benefit from knowing the healing strats and take advantage of points where you need to Pause LazyRaider so you can heal manually to support your groups strategy. The next release will have the ability to switch between the default and an alternate healing profile based upon a keypress.
As for DS specific logic, there is None in ShamWOW. Since there is no AFK raiding in HB presently, I prefer to not implement encounter specific behaviors and focus more on ways to allow the user to handle within the flow of ShamWOW usage.
Thanks for the post and good luck with your Shaman, -Bobby53