View attachment 48169
HonorBuddy Mode: Grind
Shamans Location: Tanaris >
Southbreak Shore
What should have happened (be specific): Trying to get the bot to use Ghost Wolf
What did happen (be specific): Nothing
Computer time of problem or log mark (not realm time): N/A
Essentially have 1 minor issue and 1 sort of question.
The issue, which the above attachment refers to, is that I'm not ever casting Ghost Wolf. I have it enabled, and I have mounting disabled, and I have tried with mounting enabled, and I have changed the distance for safe mounting/Ghost Wolfing from both large, both small, one large one small, vice versa, etc. Nothing seems to work. (For what it's worth, if I start the profile in question on a mount, he just runs around not attacking anything. Maybe a profile issue?) I have set GW anywhere from 1 yd to 20 yds to 35yds to 50 yds. Dunno what I could be doing wrong. Is ghost wolf perhaps disabled for low-level mob grinding?
The question I have is about grouping. Is there a way to override group settings and just keep the low-level grinding option enabled?
Thanks so much for your time!