there is some "beta" bot only to do regular skills sequence for players who whants to play controling they chars using a blank profile? to play low levels.. like 1 to 30..
Where would this beta bot be? Just recently bought BW and can't find this, thanks.
there is some "beta" bot only to do regular skills sequence for players who whants to play controling they chars using a blank profile? to play low levels.. like 1 to 30..
reach it brother: daily's and weekly's are going to be the new cash cow. use the teleport to go to the planet load the profile and rake in the cash then do it over again with the next planet. gotta make a reward accepter for crystals though. if we can run the new bases (probably have to load inside the instance then lazyraid) the credits will flow like spice on hutta. I do feel bad for the people that run a bunch of bots at once though. this patch pretty much destroyed them.
Well that sucks.... looks like I'm gonna have to learn my rotation.... is it changed so badly that a blank profile with a rotation won't work?
At the moment, it won't. Even if it did, we wouldn't do a release with just the combat working as that'd still deliver a broken build to a large portion of our users.