Ive been looking for a great prot routine so I thought i would chime in here and ask a question!
Currently, Seraphim is by far the superior talent, however, only if used correctly. You probably know this information already but I shall break it down into segments as it pertains to my question
Optimal usage of seraphim looks something like this in a 30 second repeating rotation:
- Use Seraphim > continue normal rotation > Seraphim ends > SotR up for next 6 seconds > (possible 1 second wait) > Divine Protection for 9 Seconds
So Seraphim for 15 seconds ensuring that you can then SotR for a further 6 Seconds after seraphim has ended, followed by a glyphed Divine Protection for the remaining 9 seconds. At this point HoPo needs to be pooled before Divine protection ends to instantly put seraphim back on. Then repeat.
Its a pretty advanced rotation and doesn't particularly account for emergency WoG usage etc. However, if its something that is not attainable then seraphim looses its value and therefore holy shield should be used.
Is this something that is possible or has already been achieved? It would be absolutely amazing having this kind of rotation in for seraphim. But i suspect its something thats quite hard to do.