your suggestion was golden sir I will never forget this kindnessQQ
I'm glad you got it working =)
your suggestion was golden sir I will never forget this kindnessQQ
Bot doesn't seem keen on dismounting at quite a few occasions it just sorta hovers above the node spamming:
[04:44:37.825 N] FlightPathTo: Created 3 waypoints to fly a distance of 3.245574
[04:44:57.935 N] FlightPathTo: Created 3 waypoints to fly a distance of 3.245574
[04:45:17.996 N] FlightPathTo: Created 3 waypoints to fly a distance of 3.245574
This isn't from one of your profiles though, first I thought it was because it was hanging on a sloped terrain, but I've tried with wide open nodes as well to make sure
I got this too, exclusively with the Chysahl location. Its not happening as much anymore since I adjusted some of the locations, but still a little worrisome since idk if it'll stuck there forever.
Also in the Porcini profile, the bot doesn't seem to want to move from the stealth position to the node at "175.5408, 220.2071, -600.0065". There's no visible slope between the two, but perhaps the mesh there isnt complete or something.
I'm having a problem trying to figure out how to make the adamantite/chysahl profile do the collectible rotation and not just do hq/yield rotation..
I tried to read through the whole thread but only saw the guy have a same problem but couldn't find a definite answer.
Is there a way to make it do collectible rotation?
<!DOCTYPE Profile [
<!ENTITY Collect_Adamantite "0">
<!ENTITY Collect_Chysahl "0">
Do i just change the 0's to 1's?
Yep =)
EDIT: changing them to 1's will make the profile do the 470 collectability rotations, if you need 550 you're going to have to do a little more editing in the appropriate sections of the profile.
In the tags saying <GatherRotation>Collect470</GatherRotation> you'd have to change them to Collect550
Thanks, now i feel dumb xD I figured it had something to do with that i just didnt know what to change it to, haha
You had 2 copies of FlightPathTo somewhere. Glad it seems to be working now.your suggestion was golden sir I will never forget this kindnessQQ
Yep =)
EDIT: changing them to 1's will make the profile do the 470 collectability rotations, if you need 550 you're going to have to do a little more editing in the appropriate sections of the profile.
In the tags saying <GatherRotation>Collect470</GatherRotation> you'd have to change them to Collect550
Undoing this seems to have fixed it, I can't be sure though as it hasn't cycled spots for more than 3-4 times, but so far no hovering
EDIT: Yeah, deff seems to have solved the problem with the bot hovering over nodes, for me at least.
yes I did and it actually doesnt matter i had mine set to 20.
Now im checking out the blue script collatable profiles the FreeRangeCollect ones.
Not getting an error but they arent doing anything.
I will revert this change, at first it seemed unnecessary for me, but i didn't test too many flying profiles.
I am really close to having a flight enabled navigator and slide mover to support things like fatebot or any order tasks via a plugin. I am really hoping it is possible, worst case scenario is I have to code out take off and landing in synchronous code instead of using the built in stuff.
[16:45:00.382 D] [POI Set] Type: Gather, Name: Unspoiled Mineral Deposit, ObjectId: 400003EE, NpcId: 0, Location: <310.0573, 309.8751, -80.9975>
[16:45:00.382 N] Waiting for GP, Seconds Until Gathering: 14, Current GP: 206, WaitForGP: 500
[16:45:14.394 V] Blacklisting 400003EE for 00:00:30 [Type: Interact] - Reason : Blacklisting node so that we don't retarget -> Unspoiled Mineral Deposit 0x11D45FA0
[16:45:14.394 D] Interacting with Unspoiled Mineral Deposit 0x11D45FA0
[16:45:14.740 N] GatherCollectable: Rotation Override -> Old: Unspoiled , New: SmartYield
[16:45:15.067 N] Gathering ItemName:Darksteel Ore Chance:100 HqChance:15 Amount:3 RawItemId:5121
[16:47:38.701 N] [AlertMe] [FC] Message received
Occasionally will get something like this, where the bot will finish gathering at a location but not register that the node is gone and get stuck.
Code:[16:45:00.382 D] [POI Set] Type: Gather, Name: Unspoiled Mineral Deposit, ObjectId: 400003EE, NpcId: 0, Location: <310.0573, 309.8751, -80.9975> [16:45:00.382 N] Waiting for GP, Seconds Until Gathering: 14, Current GP: 206, WaitForGP: 500 [16:45:14.394 V] Blacklisting 400003EE for 00:00:30 [Type: Interact] - Reason : Blacklisting node so that we don't retarget -> Unspoiled Mineral Deposit 0x11D45FA0 [16:45:14.394 D] Interacting with Unspoiled Mineral Deposit 0x11D45FA0 [16:45:14.740 N] GatherCollectable: Rotation Override -> Old: Unspoiled , New: SmartYield [16:45:15.067 N] Gathering ItemName:Darksteel Ore Chance:100 HqChance:15 Amount:3 RawItemId:5121 [16:47:38.701 N] [AlertMe] [FC] Message received