[02:32:18.942 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Node is gone
[02:32:23.469 D] [POI Set] Type: Gather
[02:32:23.524 D] Requesting path on 145 from <-135.3835, -30.13088, -26.31733> to <-184.4192, -33.21982, -28.40965>
[02:32:23.666 D] Generated path to <-184.4192, -33.21982, -28.40965> in 00:00:00.1419292 ms
[02:32:24.743 D] Moving to next hop: <-169.4753, -32.95637, -34.30594> (Moving to gather) D: 29.36826
[02:32:29.460 D] Moving to next hop: <-177.7595, -33.85637, -36.79234> (Moving to gather) D: 9.658141
[02:32:30.898 D] Moving to next hop: <-179.7984, -34.05637, -36.79055> (Moving to gather) D: 3.003657
[02:32:31.228 D] Moving to next hop: <-184.8209, -34.11641, -29.18221> (Moving to gather) D: 9.637842
[02:32:32.457 D] Targeting Mineral Deposit 0x4000012A 0x13BFB720
[02:32:32.513 D] Interacting with Mineral Deposit 0x13BFB720
[02:32:33.516 N] [GatherTag] Casting Sharp Vision II
[02:32:33.516 D] DoAction Spell 237 0xE0000000
[02:32:33.571 V] Blacklisting 4000012A for 00:00:30 [Type: All] - Reason : So we don't auto target
[02:32:33.572 N] Gathering ItemName:Alumen Chance:100 HqChance:15 Amount:1 RawItemId:5524
[02:32:40.358 D] Targeting 0x3 0x14813220
[B][02:32:54.861 N] [RePear] Repaired![/B]
[02:32:54.861 D] Targeting Mineral Deposit 0x4000012A 0x13BFB720
[02:32:54.896 D] Interacting with Mineral Deposit 0x13BFB720
[02:32:55.457 N] Gathering ItemName:Alumen Chance:100 HqChance:15 Amount:1 RawItemId:5524
[02:32:57.969 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Node is gone