Did a full clear of all HB/bossland files, disabled ALL plugins in store except the one I wanted, started HB and enabled the plugin.
HB prompted me to restart HB, I ignored the message, loaded the profile and it started.
Just to be sure, i did the same WITH a restart of HB, still started fine.
Figured i'd try elimination and enable plugins one by one.
TheBrodieMan's Profile Compendium (Premium) TheBrodieMan Honorbuddy > Plugins > Questing 2015-10-08
is the original plugin i purchased way back when, and have been using untill recently, but now it seems to act up after legion and install some outdated QB files, so I disabled it and use modular instead only.
EDIT: Runs just fine, but encountered a problem with the quest it initiated and script terminated itself. Seems i'm full of bad luck

The npc it interacts with have a quest called Raptor Captor, but it refuses to pick it up, and still tries to interact with NPC if i manually obtain it. Log for information.