Only problems Ive been having with the FATE bot in the last 2 days is requesting/generating paths cause the character to appear to run/mount run backwards then forwards repeatedly. (Still happening on ver 141, clean install)
Here is an example that happened just right now in a Central Thanalan FATE where It ran from a killed mob to the next mob where it requested/generated paths 5times for a verrrrry short distance that made it kinda look like i was moonwalking.
[17:49:17.186 N] [Magitek] Casting Stone
[17:49:17.186 D] DoAction Spell 119 0x400078E5
[17:49:18.605 V] [Poi.Clear] Reason: Invalid Combat Poi
[17:49:18.615 D] [POI Set] Type: Fate
[17:49:18.642 D] Poi: Type: Fate (Wrecked Rats) | Idle
[17:49:18.646 D] Requesting path on 141 from <-88.18412, -10.91824, -20.23861> to <-83.7607, -11.35006, -51.94866>
[17:49:18.743 D] Poi: Type: Fate (Wrecked Rats) | Moving to fate
[17:49:18.826 D] Generated path to <-83.7607, -11.35006, -51.94866> in 00:00:00.1810257 ms
[17:49:18.833 D] Moving to next hop: <-83.96667, -12.06528, -30.68333> (Moving to fate) D: 11.32231
[17:49:21.877 D] Poi: Type: Fate (Wrecked Rats) | Idle
[17:49:25.127 D] [POI Set] Type: Kill
[17:49:25.137 D] Targeting Qiqirn Shellsweeper 0x400078F0 0x119C8240
[17:49:25.167 D] Requesting path on 141 from <-85.4746, -12.33198, -26.94886> to <-106.3448, -8.373343, -7.259936>
[17:49:25.213 D] Poi: Type: Kill (Qiqirn Shellsweeper) | Line of Sight
[17:49:25.348 D] Generated path to <-106.3448, -8.373343, -7.259936> in 00:00:00.1812849 ms
[17:49:25.366 D] Moving to next hop: <-91.48578, -10.00269, -15.4858> (Line of Sight) D: 13.15149
[17:49:25.523 D] Requesting path on 141 from <-85.65916, -12.27314, -26.59693> to <-104.482, -8.667408, -8.626779>
[17:49:25.705 D] Generated path to <-104.482, -8.667408, -8.626779> in 00:00:00.1823507 ms
[17:49:25.797 D] Moving to next hop: <-91.48578, -10.00269, -15.4858> (Line of Sight) D: 12.05654
[17:49:26.035 D] Requesting path on 141 from <-86.63599, -11.96176, -24.73417> to <-102.5727, -8.948104, -10.04724>
[17:49:26.218 D] Generated path to <-102.5727, -8.948104, -10.04724> in 00:00:00.1832828 ms
[17:49:26.310 D] Moving to next hop: <-91.48578, -10.00269, -15.4858> (Line of Sight) D: 9.909891
[17:49:26.468 D] Requesting path on 141 from <-87.40584, -11.71635, -23.26611> to <-100.6187, -9.212631, -11.48431>
[17:49:26.628 D] Poi: Type: Kill (Qiqirn Shellsweeper) | Moving to pull range
[17:49:26.655 D] Generated path to <-100.6187, -9.212631, -11.48431> in 00:00:00.1866576 ms
[17:49:26.747 D] Moving to next hop: <-91.48578, -10.00269, -15.4858> (Line of Sight) D: 8.22589
[17:49:26.867 D] Requesting path on 141 from <-88.07328, -11.50358, -21.9933> to <-98.65877, -9.363503, -12.92348>
[17:49:27.046 D] Generated path to <-98.65877, -9.363503, -12.92348> in 00:00:00.1776746 ms
[17:49:27.153 D] Moving to next hop: <-91.48578, -10.00269, -15.4858> (Moving to pull range) D: 6.738871
[17:49:27.275 N] [Magitek] Casting Stone
[17:49:27.275 D] DoAction Spell 119 0x400078F0
[17:49:27.326 D] Requesting path on 141 from <-88.76315, -10.94896, -20.67773> to <-96.78571, -9.439458, -14.29869>
[17:49:27.336 D] Poi: Type: Kill (Qiqirn Shellsweeper) | [Magitek] Moving in Range
[17:49:27.437 D] Poi: Type: Kill () | Idle
[17:49:27.497 D] Generated path to <-96.78571, -9.439458, -14.29869> in 00:00:00.1709060 ms
[17:49:27.538 D] Poi: Type: Kill (Qiqirn Shellsweeper) | Idle
[17:49:28.549 D] Poi: Type: Kill () | Idle
[17:49:28.650 D] Poi: Type: Kill (Qiqirn Shellsweeper) | Idle
Few more logs about this @
One deals with (Moving to Fate Range) req/gen spam and (Moving to Target Range, causing stutter stepping)
I've had the bot sit mounted in the zone where little ala mihigo is ~ and get beat by a pack of mobs... dont have my log for that encounter anymore but pretty much while it was happening it was only saying > There is no fate we can currently tackle | Idling. I think this might have been a zone where the Return to Ath wasn't functioning either as when there was no fate ready to kill it would idle in the exact spot where the previous fate ended. Will have to add that log in if it happens again.