Hello dear Mastahg, I tested it for 2 hours in 8 Fps with no any issue, it should have been fixed.Please try the new version and let me know if you can still reproduce the issue.
Hi, mastaghNew version fixes blacklisting players who attempt to trade with the player.
Best thing would be to look at how other profiles handle it.
You can find some profiles here
You'll need exbuddy which is not officially supported, there are several versions of it floating around.
One such version is found here
Hi, mastagh
I would like to know, if there is a timer I can use to count seconds, for instance, count for 15s.
And when I am fishing, how can I get the fish's name which I just got.
var itemCounts = new Dictionary<string,uint>();
InventoryManager.FilledSlots.ForEach(slot =>
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendFormat("{0}-{1}", slot.Item.EngName, slot.IsHighQuality);
if (slot.IsCollectable)
//include the bag, and bagslot incase we get a item of the same exact collectability
sb.AppendFormat("-collectable:{0}|{1},{2}", slot.Collectability, slot.BagId, slot.Slot);
var itemString = sb.ToString();
if (!itemCounts.ContainsKey(itemString))
itemCounts[itemString] = 0;
itemCounts[itemString] += slot.Count;
在5.0飞行的命运中,很容易出现伪造,导致游戏崩溃,尤其是在amu eland地图上,坐标x:25.1 Y:17.1。我希望它可以得到改善。cn服务器很容易被禁止,因为许多人会报告
Hi,mastahgNeed a log. need ingame x,y,z and zoneid.
As I already knew that how to use BuyItem tag to buy one dialog items, but how to buy items from more than 1 dialog?
For example, I want to auto buy something from script exchanger, first dialog is to choose which type(crafter of gather), the second dialog is to choose which levels(50,60,70 or 80), how to set the variable to autobuy items from such merchants?
Thank you for answering.
No@mastahg is it possible to add a universal 'click' method in RaptureAtkUnitManager.GetWindowByName().FindButton() more than just a clickable check?
also is there any plan to add more listed RemoteWindows and RemoteAgent objects? such as a looting remotewindow so we can roll loots automatically...
New version fixes blacklisting players who attempt to trade with the player.
Doesn't seem to work, no fix.
Hey mastahg,rb's database doesn't seem to have updated the 5.15 version of the bluemage's localized spell names yet
returns nothingCode:DataManager.GetSpellData(18321).LocalizedName
Hi mastahg, sorry to bother. I wonder if theres a way to distinguish the grandcompany of an enemy player belongs to in pvp frontlines?
Also is theres a way to detect whether a gameobject has a ingame "attack1" mark or not?