i also would like a option to let the CR uses Mass-Spellreflect/Spellreflect on enemyspells like-> Cyclone, Sheep, Warlock Fear and so on...
and a small delay on using berserker rage on breaking CC would be great, so it looks more human
i also would like a option to let the CR uses Mass-Spellreflect/Spellreflect on enemyspells like-> Cyclone, Sheep, Warlock Fear and so on...
and a small delay on using berserker rage on breaking CC would be great, so it looks more human
can i turn off the gap closer option like (banner+intervene, heroic leap), but then let the CR still uses this spells for intercepting traps?
the problem is, the cr uses intervene for eating trap on arena partner, but instantly after reaching the intervene target it heroic leaps/charge back to my target. so it doesnt eat the trap but wasted both gap closer.
other problem is the opening phase, if im mounted and want to charge the target, it also uses heroic leap or banner+intervene as gap closer. so i waste 1-2 gap closer on opening the fight..
**New Version**
-added option to use Slam when there's Colossus Smash on the target
I don't really like this change. It uses all your rage so you won't have rage when you're bursting. We'll see. I may add a check to only use it when we're above like 50 rage. This way it'll still use slam when CS is up, but we can keep ~50 rage to help our burst.
What do you think about it?
This is what I do and I usually sit at 18-22k dps with full tyrant.. with burst I peak at 30-32k
execute > two people and or pets aoe macro > mortal strike > coloss > 40+ rage? slam > 40- rage overpower for mortal strike
and spam slam when they have coloss buff
my slam crits for 100k+ sometimes, I only use my rage on slam never on heroic strike.. it does less dmg and cost more rage then slam
aoe macro
#showtooltip sweeping strikes
/cast sweeping strikes
/cast thunder clap
burst macro
#showtooltip Recklessness
/cast avatar or bloodbath
/use Potion of Mogu Power
/cast Recklessness
/cast Skull Banner
/use Tyrannical Gladiator's Badge of Victory
/cast bladestorm or shockwave
Also my svn link didnt work when I downloaded the dropbox.. I assume it was already in it?
I noticed the Potion of Mogu Power in your macro. Can you use potions in Arena?
hey richie, nice updating this, great progress, using slam during colossus smash and i can see a good difference in the damage already.
A problem that needs attention is when i charge in my opener is uses herois leap at the same time. i dont want to open with leap i want to open with charge.
i believe that an option to use a hotkey would be a simple fix for people who dont want that behavior.
other than that, playing with a resto shaman we went 10-0 against all kinds of comps but the best one to showcase this CR would be VS resto druid comps, the spell reflects on the cyclones are nice, i do the normal spell reflect myself and the CR manages the mass reflect most of the time and it does well.
Could you please send me a log where it's using charge+heroic leap in the same time? It never happened to me.
**New Version**
-added option to use Slam when there's Colossus Smash on the target
I don't really like this change. It uses all your rage so you won't have rage when you're bursting. We'll see. I may add a check to only use it when we're above like 50 rage. This way it'll still use slam when CS is up, but we can keep ~50 rage to help our burst.
What do you think about it?
Could you please send me a log where it's using charge+heroic leap in the same time? It never happened to me.
I believe he's manually casting Charge and the CC is using Leap before his charge is completed.