[LoadProfile-LoadPr(info)] Loading profile 'Act 04 - Kaz'rogal.xml'
Changing current profile to Raid Studio: Battle for Mount Hyjal (Horde Encampment - Kaz'rogal) - By Studio60
Latency to Buddy service: 210 ms
1 compiler errors encountered in profile 'Raid Studio: Battle for Mount Hyjal (Horde Encampment - Kaz'rogal) - By Studio60'
'CustomBehavior' xml element on line number 148 has following errors with code: public System.Threading.Tasks.Task __ExpressionFunc__13()
return new System.Func<System.Threading.Tasks.Task>(async () =>{if(HuntStrayEnemiesActive == false) {
HuntStrayEnemiesActive = true;
WoWUnit thrall = (from unit in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>(true, false)
where unit.Entry == 17852
select unit).FirstOrDefault();
var backspot = new Vector3(5587.287f, -2835.44f, 1512.199f);
var targets = new List<uint>() { 17898, 17905, 17897, 17916, 17907, 17906, 17895, 17908, 17899, 17902, 17903, 17888 };
WoWUnit enemy = (from unit in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>(true, false)
orderby unit.Distance ascending
where (thrall.Location.Distance2D(unit.Location) < 150.0 || backspot.Distance(unit.Location) < 100.0)
where targets.Contains(unit.Entry)
where unit.IsAlive
select unit).FirstOrDefault();
if(enemy != null) {
float height;
float maxHeight = 39;
if(StyxWoW.Me.Class == WoWClass.Rogue) {
maxHeight = 29;
Navigator.FindHeight(enemy.Location.X, enemy.Location.Y, out height);
if(height == null || (enemy.Location.Z - height > maxHeight)) {
HuntStrayEnemiesActive = false;
if (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget == null && enemy != null)
if (preyGuid != enemy.Guid)
preyGuid = enemy.Guid;
Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Colors.Chocolate, "Hunting " + enemy.Name);
BotPoi.Current = new BotPoi(enemy, PoiType.Kill, NavType.Run);
} else if (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget == null && enemy == null) {
WoWUnit lootable = (from unit in ObjectManager.GetObjectsOfType<WoWUnit>(true, false)
orderby unit.Distance ascending
where unit.Lootable
where unit.Entry != 17906
where unit.Distance < 120.0
where ! Blacklist.Contains(unit.Guid, BlacklistFlags.Loot)
select unit).FirstOrDefault();
if (lootable != null)
Logging.Write(System.Windows.Media.Colors.Chocolate, "Looting " + lootable.Name);
while (lootable.Distance > 2.0 && !Blacklist.Contains(lootable.Guid, BlacklistFlags.Loot))
await Coroutine.Yield();
await Coroutine.Sleep(500);
if (lootable.CanInteractNow)
await Coroutine.Sleep(500);
HuntStrayEnemiesActive = false;
await Coroutine.Yield();})();
1) 'Navigator' does not contain a definition for 'FindHeight' at line 22