is there any way to save the settings (raids to run etc) per char? seams to have one setting file in Settings\Studio60\StudioCompanion\Settings.xml
A Studio Planner run is created and available to all characters. That made the most sense, because most people use my profiles to farm missing mounts or gold and the fastest way to to that is to run the same dungeons with multiple characters.
But item settings and raid settings like the 10M/25M selection and options like "Mimiron's Hardmode" are per character. So you can use the same run on multiple characters, but each character runs it the way you set it in the options. I hope that makes sense to you.
okay, i do it for transmog ^^
i think i will then have several transmog-settings (T5, T6 etc.) and rename the file back and forth...
I seem to be having trouble w/ this, this week. Ran pretty good last week w/ a few exceptions which I documented and will run again to confirm. But now I press start and nothing happens. heres a log, not sure if it's detailed enough.
View attachment 191057
I just restarted my computer and everything seems to be working fine now. Thanks.You are suffering from GreyMagic.InjectionSEHExceptions.
I guess it wont farm Invincible for me since it wont change to 25HC in ICC
Have you completed 25m normal on that too yet? If not, you can't do heroic.
yeah, thats very easy with the planner option. you can make all your own lists etc. take 1 minute to setup.Hey guys,
Really interested in purchasing this profile!
However, I have scanned the forum and cant seem to see if my question has been answered.
Is there a "complete all raids" function? Ie, I press start and it runs everything?
Even in combination with Studio companion?
Or an option to complete all except BoT + Black Temple?
Are cataclysm raids not included?
Hi Studio,
So far on trial this is a pretty sweet profile pack, something I'll be buying after the trial has ended.
I did come accross a couple of bugs, but dont have logs to hand (will upload when I'm home):
Naxxramas: The Jump to Thaddius from the platform- the bot didnt jump and just walked off the edge, I reset and tried it a couple of times but it did the same thing.
Ulduar: The bot seemed to off bugged out at Auriyia and seems to stay behind the gate and not kill the mobs upstairs.
AQ40: Bug trio, it kills the first bug roaming around without engaging the other 2 causing the encounter to bug out.
Would be great if we can get the bot to herb/mine in some of the instances which would be great for a full gold run for those trying to get everything.
Apart from those suggested bugs, everything else is perfect - keep up the good work!![]()
[Studio Companion]: Your travel route was calculated in 124 milliseconds.
[Studio Companion]: It will take about 27 minute(s) and 6 seconds.
[Studio Companion]: 1. Teleport (Druid): Kalimdor (Moonglade)
[Studio Companion]: 2. Portal: Kalimdor (Rut'theran Village) to Kalimdor (Darnassus)
[Studio Companion]: 3. Portal: Kalimdor (Darnassus) to Outland (Hellfire Peninsula)
[Studio Companion]: 4. Serpentshrine Cavern
So between step 1 and 2, when the bot tries to fly from moonglade to Rut'theran I die from fatigue because I only have a 150% flying mount and when this happens the bot gets stuck