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[R-A1] Act 1 farming by rrrix

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New Member
Jul 11, 2010
This profile Requires both QuestTools and Trinity, and includes Relogger support.

It will run the following areas in random order:
  • Fields of Misery
  • Weeping Hollow
  • Festering Woods
  • Southern Highlands, Northern Highlands, and Leoric's Manor
  • Halls of Agony 1 and 2
  • Halls of Agony 3


This is relogger compatible, just use the file "R-A1_Relogger.xml".

You can edit which areas you want to run, optionally eliminating sections completely. Simply open up R-A1LoadRandom.xml in a text editor, scroll down to the bottom of the file, and delete (or use XML comments) the appropriate line from the list below.

<TrinityLoadOnce questId="1" >
    <LoadProfileOnce profile="Highlands.xml" />
    <LoadProfileOnce profile="FieldsOfMisery.xml" />
    <LoadProfileOnce profile="WeepingHollow.xml" />
    <LoadProfileOnce profile="FesteringWoods.xml" />
    <LoadProfileOnce profile="HallsOfAgony12.xml" />
    <LoadProfileOnce profile="HallsOfAgony3.xml" />

For example, deleting the line <LoadProfileOnce profile="HallsOfAgony12.xml" /> will remove Halls of Agony Levels 1 and 2 from the randomized profile selection.


  • When reporting stucks, bugs, and problems, please zip and attach a log file, and mention which area/zone you were in.
  • Report Trinity bugs in the Trinity forum section please!
  • These profiles require both Trinity and QuestTools to be installed and enabled.

If you liked this profile, and want more, let me know!

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Have been running this profile from the time you posted it as easter egg :P
Nice one as usual.

Only issue I encountered was that Den of the Fallen in WH is not cleared every time. Looks like bot enters instance only when it has spawned in specific place ;)
Have been running this profile from the time you posted it as easter egg :P
Nice one as usual.

Only issue I encountered was that Den of the Fallen in WH is not cleared every time. Looks like bot enters instance only when it has spawned in specific place ;)

Yep, I've seen that too. I have it for a few places, but not too big for me, but I'll try and track it down. You can help if you want... just grab the coordinates of the portal and I'll add it.
Yep, I've seen that too. I have it for a few places, but not too big for me, but I'll try and track it down. You can help if you want... just grab the coordinates of the portal and I'll add it.
Will do ;) I believe there are only 2 spots for this instance to spawn but I will double check it and let you know.
hey man trying too use youre profile here.. i did agood installment i made it work somewhat right.. my barb does only sprint but he refuses too do mouses clicks he just stands there taking it .. i tried too see if theirs any in trinity config but nope.. what do i need to do too change hes behavior? he uses sprint shout and buff but no lethal attacks.. he loots in combat something he told himnot too but whatever ermm yeah wierd.. tried also change buttons around not work either

Ty for reading sorry english is not good :P

nvm it fixed itself for time been changed profile and or did goodrestart xD
trying run with relogger but did i miss something?
Failed to load profile: Element TrinityTownPortal is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<TrinityTownPortal questId="1" />) Line 14
trying run with relogger but did i miss something?
Failed to load profile: Element TrinityTownPortal is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<TrinityTownPortal questId="1" />) Line 14
You need Trinity to be able to use TrinityTownPortal tag.
[04:56:07.622 N] Failed to load profile: Element TrinityTownPortal is not supported. Please check your XML and try again. (<TrinityTownPortal questId="1" />) Line 14
using your fom profile, is it intended for it to ignore scavanger and decaying? the print to the log shows 'scavangers den#1 found' or 'decaying crypt #2 found' but then the bot will just path right by it to another moveto, a quick glance in the xml shows pathing to exploring these dungeons but the bot will not enter them.
Idea, not sure if implementable though: could you make it to ALWAYS go Festering first and then the rest in random order? As most real players play like that (if you go to festering at all, you go first) I think it'd be a very good change.
Idea, not sure if implementable though: could you make it to ALWAYS go Festering first and then the rest in random order? As most real players play like that (if you go to festering at all, you go first) I think it'd be a very good change.

Just curious... why?
Because Festering woods is a shit place with very low xp gain for the time spent to clear all. People usually go there only for the 2 dungeons and a possible random elite to pump up the NV stacks and tp out.
Also i would like to see the version with leoric's manor > festering woods for stacks and then random afterwards. Also from my experience highlands are not that popular and the mob density is not that high there.
Ideally u would run leorics>festering>RANDOM > fields of misery + scavenger's den + decaying crypt(best xp in game)>weeping hallow>halls of agony 2 and end it here or even remove halls as they got some really nasty monsters in there that take more time to kill thus wasting time.
Just curious... why?

Because Festering has been the highest elite density area (with 2 guaranteed elites in crypts + at least 1-2 outside + possible stack event) for a long time. No one ever goes there other than for stacks as it's very bad for trash farming. It mostly has useless green bat thingies that give no exp nor drops and are annoying to kill. The point of Festering (And Leoric for the same reason - guaranteeed elite outside, and 50% of one inside) is to get stacks, and then to continue on to the good areas - FoM, Highlands, Weeping, Halls and the rest.
What they said ^^ I think quiet alot of people are now focusing on high EXP/ph atm also because of the new paragon changes so they making extra chars and getting them to 100, and the 'Ignore elite after 5NV' is so sweet for this. I know thats not the main focus of DB and its mostly about making profits but it would be nice to have that option :)
Cool cool... I'll re-work it then.

How about A2? Is there an optimal "do first" area there?

I'm working on my A2 profile, but, seems (from what I cant tell) running Oasis alone is optimal - I already have a revised route there, slightly faster than the others I've tried.
You know Rrrix, since Magi is MIA it would be really nice to have some professional key hunting profiles :P
Up for a challenge? ;>
Cool cool... I'll re-work it then.

How about A2? Is there an optimal "do first" area there?

I'm working on my A2 profile, but, seems (from what I cant tell) running Oasis alone is optimal - I already have a revised route there, slightly faster than the others I've tried.

Hello rrrix, i'll test this profile later.. but I'm thinking about whether you could rework one profile that is abandoned? like Ultima Magi Extended v2 (http://www.thebuddyforum.com/attach...skyhigh-farm-ultima-magi-extended-v2.xml.html) ? Please, i love this profile, works great but has some stucks and Magi is out and is no longer supporting. You could rework this profile and launch your version?


Many stucks and the bot is stopped after coming back from the city on some maps. Please rrrix, give me this as a Christmas gift!

What do you think? No need to add areas, just fix stucks and align to the newest trinity. I know you have a good heart and that it is easy for you.. =)

Depends what u wanna hunt for rrix just trash mobs on mp10, then oasis is the best. If u wanna kill elites and farm de's i would say a full VotA + Oasis connecting with both the Western channel and Eastern channel as both of them have an amazing mob density. The problem is making the bot trace down a path correctly because the run could take far to long if u miss the channel exit few times. A version without VotA would also be good but i think u have like 20 elites in this full run.
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