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- Jul 11, 2010
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This profile Requires both QuestTools and Trinity, and includes Relogger support.
It will run the following areas in random order:
This is relogger compatible, just use the file "R-A1_Relogger.xml".
You can edit which areas you want to run, optionally eliminating sections completely. Simply open up R-A1LoadRandom.xml in a text editor, scroll down to the bottom of the file, and delete (or use XML comments) the appropriate line from the list below.
For example, deleting the line <LoadProfileOnce profile="HallsOfAgony12.xml" /> will remove Halls of Agony Levels 1 and 2 from the randomized profile selection.
If you liked this profile, and want more, let me know!
It will run the following areas in random order:
- Fields of Misery
- Weeping Hollow
- Festering Woods
- Southern Highlands, Northern Highlands, and Leoric's Manor
- Halls of Agony 1 and 2
- Halls of Agony 3
- QuestTools
- The latest version of Trinity.
- The latest version of Demonbuddy
This is relogger compatible, just use the file "R-A1_Relogger.xml".
You can edit which areas you want to run, optionally eliminating sections completely. Simply open up R-A1LoadRandom.xml in a text editor, scroll down to the bottom of the file, and delete (or use XML comments) the appropriate line from the list below.
<TrinityLoadOnce questId="1" >
<LoadProfileOnce profile="Highlands.xml" />
<LoadProfileOnce profile="FieldsOfMisery.xml" />
<LoadProfileOnce profile="WeepingHollow.xml" />
<LoadProfileOnce profile="FesteringWoods.xml" />
<LoadProfileOnce profile="HallsOfAgony12.xml" />
<LoadProfileOnce profile="HallsOfAgony3.xml" />
For example, deleting the line <LoadProfileOnce profile="HallsOfAgony12.xml" /> will remove Halls of Agony Levels 1 and 2 from the randomized profile selection.
- When reporting stucks, bugs, and problems, please zip and attach a log file, and mention which area/zone you were in.
- Report Trinity bugs in the Trinity forum section please!
- These profiles require both Trinity and QuestTools to be installed and enabled.
If you liked this profile, and want more, let me know!

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