Nexis5000 will you be finishing the remaining profiles including Republic? This thread seems to have gone quiet, hope all is well.
ill try my best with republic due to me only having empire toons but i will try my best to get them all also the reason why empire went so fast because i had the characters so ill probably post them and rep peeps can test em
Just use this bro:
SWTOR Mirror Skill Translator |
Every ability in the mirror class functions the exact same. You'll only need help on the buff/debuff names.
Which skill tree are you guys using with Mercenary for best DPS?
thanks to altruest with that translator i have begun fixing rep side any ones i post will need to be tested so i no they work since im a empire nub pm asoon as possible if there are any problem or fixing need doing
Do you have to modify the base install for Pure to get the engine to work? I'm getting load errors when I try it out of the box.
When I get Pure working again, I can test rotations @60 for you. I think I still have a few old one around that I modified before I moved from Pure to DC.
That translator is a little old. You'll need to find names for some of the new abilities and procs. Discipline Builder | The Old Republic Community
just update innovated ordinance for the proc enjoy
does it get higher DPS for single target ? according to Dulfy it does but what about with BW?
does it get higher DPS for single target ? according to Dulfy it does but what about with BW?
Should be doableI think IO and AP are better in terms of DPS, but they have different issues with rotation.
Does Pure have a way of tracking a spell on cooldown? The problem with some of the rotations and DPS output in BW is that they're based around cooldown usage. i.e. if TSO, vent heat, or overcharged are off CD you push energy, pop CDS and then go into a rotation that is more energy neutral but pumps out less DPS.