Uploaded a "quickfix" for this tank prob.
Load gui, click "refresh", select tank, click "set".
Testing right now.
edit: works!
F9 pauses the rotation but even if I hit it before my toon dies, it still repops me outside the opsit should be F9 but i am not sure if it is already working
You are awesome
Edit: I'm an idiot. How do I load the GUI? I see the GUI folder, but don't know how to open anything to get a settings window.
Uploaded a "quickfix" for this tank prob.
Load gui, click "refresh", select tank, click "set".
Testing right now.
edit: works!
F9 pauses the rotation but even if I hit it before my toon dies, it still repops me outside the ops
F9 pauses the rotation but even if I hit it before my toon dies, it still repops me outside the ops
<Whispers> ....er....glad you asked.I think if Ama could see what I tried he would ***** up laughing...but hey <embarrassed grin>
Did some research and it only AOE's if 3 targets are in melee range correct? no ranged AOE?
Sharpshooter. It's calling using Decorator of ShouldAOE(3, Distance.MeleeAoE) but no dice. I haven't seen it try to AOE yet. i want to say i remember it working almost too good last time I tried pure.
just ran 16m TFB as shield specialist vanguard, from what I've seen the rotation isnt using stockstrike enough in its rotation