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Pure SWTor

So it does a bunch of things to determine the difficulty of the mob, but basically yes.

levelDisparityMultiplier is a percentage modifier based on the level of the mob. If the mob is the same level as you, this will be 1. If the mob is a high level it will be >1.
torCharacterDifficulty takes into account the type of mob using combatTougness.

ChinaJade's code:
        public static float RelativeDifficulty(this TorCharacter torCharacter)
            // NB: level disparity is actual a logarithmic scale, not linear.  But for now, we ignore that detail.
            // NB: "Level" is unsigned...<sigh>.  You can't get a sane result by subtracting unsigned values, so we must cast to "int" first.
            float levelDisparityMultiplier = 1.0f + (((int)torCharacter.Level - (int)BuddyTor.Me.Level) / (int)BuddyTor.Me.Level);
            float torCharacterDifficulty = torCharacter.HealthPercent * Tunables.RelativeDifficulty[torCharacter.Toughness];
            float maxDifficulty = (100.0f * Tunables.RelativeDifficulty[CombatToughness.RaidBoss]);

            return (torCharacterDifficulty * levelDisparityMultiplier / maxDifficulty);


        // This assesses the relative toughness of a target (roughly measured as 'time to kill')...
        // The scale is a multiplier with the reference of a player defined to be 1.0.
        public static Dictionary<CombatToughness, float> RelativeDifficulty = new Dictionary<CombatToughness, float>() {
            { CombatToughness.RaidBoss,     5.00f },
            { CombatToughness.Boss4,        3.50f },
            { CombatToughness.Boss3,        3.00f },
            { CombatToughness.Boss2,        2.50f },
            { CombatToughness.Boss1,        2.00f },
            { CombatToughness.Strong,       1.40f },
            { CombatToughness.Player,       1.00f },    // scale reference -- always defined as 1.0
            { CombatToughness.Companion,    0.85f },
            { CombatToughness.Standard,     0.70f },
            { CombatToughness.Weak,         0.50f },
            { CombatToughness.None,         0.00f },
What are you trying to change? Post the code here and I can implement it


Private Paste - Pastie

-Added Battle Focus (extra damage)
-Added Reserve Powercell (better resource consumption)
-Added Heroic Moment: No Retreat (better survivability)
-Modified range of Pulse Cannon to Melee (previously it was a waste of few seconds on long range with no effect)

Private Paste - Pastie

-Added Battle Focus (extra damage)
-Added Reserve Powercell (better resource consumption)
-Added Heroic Moment: No Retreat (better survivability)
-Modified range of Pulse Cannon to Melee (previously it was a waste of few seconds on long range with no effect)

Everything looks good except the Heroic Moment addition. We generally avoid those because if your companion isn't out (you're in a group, or he/she/it is dead) the call causes the routine to freeze up. I'll add the rest of your changes and commit to SVN.
Everything looks good except the Heroic Moment addition. We generally avoid those because if your companion isn't out (you're in a group, or he/she/it is dead) the call causes the routine to freeze up. I'll add the rest of your changes and commit to SVN.

k ty :) never thought of that for the Heroic Moment.

BTW If there is any other function for 10 yard radius for Pulse Cannon you can use that instead of melee ;)
k ty :) never thought of that for the Heroic Moment.

BTW If there is any other function for 10 yard radius for Pulse Cannon you can use that instead of melee ;)

When I put it into my Commando routines I usually used Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= 1f
but I think they function the same way.
is there a way to disable the disappearing act in the scoundrel scrapper routine? At the moment it will stealth pull then pop disappearing act straight after the pull which is pointless at that point, also its trying to heal in the scrapper routine which is a dps spec.
is there a way to disable the disappearing act in the scoundrel scrapper routine? At the moment it will stealth pull then pop disappearing act straight after the pull which is pointless at that point, also its trying to heal in the scrapper routine which is a dps spec.

Yeah, those always struck me as problematic when I looked at the code, but no one ever complained so I just left it alone. I completely removed the healing from those routine (they are dps specs) and took out disappearing act. I also fixed Flechette Round to not cast when you already have the buff.
Uhm .. I can't look At it ATM... But i think i designed the healing for grinding/questing in unpure... Need To check if the pure/unpure check is already in there... I'll look at it tuesday when i'm back home
How does this work for vanguard? will it automaticly switch to aoe when theres more then one mob?( im used to use it for tanks @ wow ) not in swtor :D
How does this work for vanguard? will it automaticly switch to aoe when theres more then one mob?( im used to use it for tanks @ wow ) not in swtor :D

vanguard AS works great with this :)

AoE AssaultSpec -> mortar volley, stick grenade and pulse cannon
According to this -> Vanguard Assault Specialist (Trooper) PvE Rotation & Cooldowns - SWTOR (2.2)

I believe Stockstrike should be like this :)

Spell.Cast("Stockstrike", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= Distance.Melee),

instead of

Spell.Cast("Stockstrike", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance <= Distance.Melee && Me.HasBuff("Ionic Accelerator")),

Yeah, I don't have a Vanguard, so I'm just going by what Noxxic says, but it looks like there should still be a buff check for Ionic Accelerator but it should be checking to make sure we DON'T have the buff (instead of checking to make sure we have the buff like it current does). I'll put a fix on the SVN in about 5minutes.
you're right :) Make the !Me.HasBuff("Ionic Accelerator") condition

Well i noticed he was rarelly using Stockstrike compared to other routines so i looked up the code and found whats holding him back :)
BTW if skill order in cs files is important then also move Stockstrike before High Impact Bolt ;)
you're right :) Make the !Me.HasBuff("Ionic Accelerator") condition

Well i noticed he was rarelly using Stockstrike compared to other routines so i looked up the code and found whats holding him back :)
BTW if skill order in cs files is important then also move Stockstrike before High Impact Bolt ;)

Still order is only important if the conditions are met for more than one ability. Basically, the routine scrolls through the calls in order until it finds one that returns true. Is Stockstrike really that important? On my Commando it's a pretty shitty low-damage ability...
it says 2.2-2.5k damage on my 55 vanguard and it procs ionic accelerator for chance of free high impact bolt (which should be used always as available)

One more thing -> do you use Assault Plastique on your Commando rotation? I see Vanguard has it also, but its not mentioned in the Noxxic guide.
it says 2.2-2.5k damage on my 55 vanguard and it procs ionic accelerator for chance of free high impact bolt (which should be used always as available)

One more thing -> do you use Assault Plastique on your Commando rotation? I see Vanguard has it also, but its not mentioned in the Noxxic guide.

Assault Plastique is from the shared tree. That rotation isn't currently optimal because we're having trouble tracking same-name debuffs (in this case, "Burning (Tech)")

I'll move Stockstrike up in the Vanguard rotation. I had no idea it hit that hard for Vanguards.
yeah specially if it crits it knocks down HP to monster drastically compared to other skills :)

I've been messing with movement bc I want to lvl my toons with this. I was getting annoying with having to enable/disable the lazyraider shit, so...

I just duped the main pure class. When you want movement and shit, just load "Unpure Rotation", if you want to lazyraid load "Pure Roation".

Some files were combined.. so make sure you delete folder contents before update

Ok, guys, I don't seem to get it. I have read in Walter's Guide that Ama's PureSWTOR is kind of the LazyRaider-version of Buddywing. That is exactly what I am looking for. I do the movement, while BW does the rotation for me.

However: It doesn't seem to be working for me. I copied PureSwtor via SVN into the folder, tried to test it in a Jedi Guardian class-specific phase on Thython. No routine is executed, but whenever I finish a fight myself the bot casts Introspection, so it is kind of working.

I did select Pure rotation as Combat routine in the settings an selected Combat Bot.xml as a profile.

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Help would be much appreciated!
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