The shadow rotation has some wierd issues. I looked at the rotation parameters themselves in the .cs at everything seems fine.
But the routine doesnt utilize its energy properly.(often has a lot of energy left/full energy) And while being on full energy and/or variuos buffs that justify another spell in the rotation it keeps casting "saberstrike".
Same goes for other stuff. the parameters justify a higher tier skill in the rotation but the routine doesnt utilize it.
Sometimes an entire "accelerated particle" duration runs off without the routine using "project".
/edit: Ok so i edited the single target rotation a little bit and it runs much more fluid now. i didnt figure out "telekinetic throw" as of now but more "double strike"s project"s and less "saber strike"s are used.
The average resource-level while fighting is on 10-40% down from 70-100%.
Changed it from(dont know if im allowed to upload modified files):
Spell.Cast("Telekinetic Throw", ret => Me.BuffCount("Harnessed Shadows") == 3),
Spell.Cast("Slow Time"),
Spell.Cast("Force Breach"),
Spell.Cast("Project", ret => Me.HasBuff("Particle Acceleration")),
Spell.Cast("Shadow Strike", ret => Me.HasBuff("Shadow Wrap")),
Spell.Cast("Spinning Strike", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <= 30),
Spell.Cast("Double Strike", ret => Me.ForcePercent >= 25),
Spell.Cast("Saber Strike"),
Spell.Cast("Force Speed", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance >= 1.1f && Me.IsMoving && Me.InCombat)
Spell.Cast("Telekinetic Throw", ret => Me.BuffCount("Harnessed Shadows") == 3),
Spell.Cast("Project", ret => Me.HasBuff("Particle Acceleration")),
Spell.Cast("Shadow Strike", ret => Me.HasBuff("Shadow Wrap")),
Spell.Cast("Slow Time"),
Spell.Cast("Force Breach"),
Spell.Cast("Spinning Strike", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.HealthPercent <= 30),
Spell.Cast("Saber Strike", ret => Me.ForcePercent <= 25),
Spell.Cast("Double Strike"),
Spell.Cast("Force Speed", ret => Me.CurrentTarget.Distance >= 1.1f && Me.IsMoving && Me.InCombat)
"Saberstrike" and "Doublestrike" logic is swapped (dont know why but it works better). "Slow Time" and "Force Breach" moved below "Project" and "Shadow Strike": better proc use and less debuff overlap. Since both spells are procs of "Doublestrike" they can be cast maximum one time before the debuffs "Slow Time" and "Force Breach" have to be refreshed to get down to "Doublestrike".