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I am using the pre routine, handling the movement on my own. The bot does the rotation just fine for a few dozen fights, but then all of a sudden, it stops responding. I have tried it several times, always the same issue. Any thoughts?
Could be several different issues (only a few of which are fixable). Post a log next time it happens and I'll take a look. Sometimes mine locks up as well, I just stop the bot and restart and it works fine again.
f9 is the pause key, but I meant I stop and close the bot, then relaunch. Sometimes it gets locked up and no amount of start/stop will help. Sometimes I even have to restart the game :/
Ah, i see. Thats too bad, since the bot combat routine is such an immense joy for me. I really hope its something that perhaps can be worked out in the future.
Hello. I have not bought yet the Buddywing but this routines/thread may be the reason to do it What I enjoy in wow is controlling my character while having a special combat routine do all the fighting for me . Now, I have to ask one thing, because Swtor leveling/dailies e.t.c. is more "difficult" than wow and you can actually die if you don't pay attention. Does this routines have self-heal logic? Does it work for soloing? Or is it for dungeons/raids and it supposed that a healer will take care for you? And lastly, does this have a healing routines which you can heal in dungeons/raids?or is it only for DPS?
Anyone ever find a way to get the scavenge portion to work without breaking normal looting? I would really like to be able to make some profiles to get materials.
I can not seem to get the F Keys to do anything I have been getting this error.
Unhandled exception during init: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
at Buddywing.MainWindow.RegisterHotkeys()
at Buddywing.MainWindow.DoInitialization()
Delete Lockboxes and Autoequip plugins (they don't work anyway).
It's hard to tell otherwise, since those two items cause bot-breaking errors. If you still notice the problems after you've deleted them, then it's probably a low-level issue. I think I remember Sentinel Combat being based around some stuff higher-up in the combat tree (procs and abilities).