Log with comment
Sorry guys, I forgot to remove some code witch I added for testing.
Please download again.
Pls help us ,pls update ~thanks~~ tanks~~
thank you for your works.I do test them every time - a lot acually. I use your logs, simulate them - and change the code until the bot does what I want him to do. The thing is, the Ai will maybe still not act like that under different circumstances. Sometimes I have to set a big penality to prevent some misplays, because it would still do it if there are no other options. Anyway, I was digging a lot through the code and took a closer look at the stuff I changed, but I can't figure out what's wrong. AfaIct there are no bugs or coding mistakes.
My stats with pirate warrior went down, too. I don't even think it's a good deck to play right now with so many counter decks out there. I mean it gets completely shut down by a few taunts and aoe-spells.
If you check this website, you can see that it has unfavorable matchups across the board. Some people in the comments say, it will leave the meta soon. I do believe these people know better then us.
Tempo Storm
But I will test the other tier1 and tier2 decks mentioned here: Tempo Storm
I'm actually thinking about splitting control and face behaviors again, but it needs to be updated- will test how it works out. Next update will be out tomorrow or the day after.
thank buddy ,it works. thank you very much.Best decks to bot with right now(16.12.16):
(depending on the real oponnents ofc)
- Aggro Shaman
- Dragon Warrior
- Mid Shaman
- Dragon Priest/Jade Druid
- Pirate Warrior
Download latest update
Update9 Download updated in first post!
- Hearthbuddy: 0.3 r1326 Build 339 - make sure you update HB before you replace the files!!
- added aggro shaman deck
- removed hunter deck
- updated other decks(with tech recommendations) Click
- added aggro shaman mulligan
- updated mulligan for all decks(any sugesstions aprreciated)
- added an updated version of Behavior Face(called PLAggro now) again(use with pirate warrior/aggro shaman)
(aggro doesn't mean SMOrc: SMOrc SONG - Face Never Trade - YouTube)- added an updated version of Behavior ProjectLegend(called PLControl now) (use with midrange/control decks)
- added some code for trading with minions into others(applys to both behaviors but not that much to PLAggro)
- priorize killing strong minions
- prioritize valuetrades(own minion survives) - unless our attack is much higher then the minion
- prioritize killing priorityTargets
- stop trading if lethal is really close(missing 5 for PLAggro/3 for PLControl)
- don't stop trading if we could die(enemyminions dmg+enemyweapon damage+enemycards >= ownHp+5)
- no penality to attack face with 1ap Spirit Claws if we have another weapon in hand
- no penality to attack face with 1ap Spirit Claws if we're missing lethal by 15 hp or less (only applys to Behavior PLAggro)
- added penaliy to equip Jade Claws if we have Spirit Claws with more then 1 Durability equipped
- tweaked Mortal Strike penality/bonus:
- don't use it on face if we have 12 or more hp(unless we have another Mortal Strike in hand)
- stop using it on minions if we're missing lethal by 10 or less - unless it has taunt
- tweaked pirate synergy penalities/bonuses
- only tiny penality to play Dread Corsair and Bloodsail Raider if we don't have a weapon equipped but have one in hand
(Arkanite Reaper doesn't count because it's too much to hold them until we can play it)- removed penality to play Southsea Deckhand without a weapon equipped
- never attack with Hero if it's the last weaponcharge and we have a Southsea Deckhand in play witch didn't attack yet
- tweaked Nourish penality
- big penality to play choise1(mana)
- added penality to play it if we have playable minions in hand
- prioritize healing minions that are more useful over others
- lowered penality to use maelstom portal on just a few minions
edit: forgot one file - please download again if you downloaded the files less then 30 minutes after this post
I can't do anything without the UIlog file.my pirate tyler wont use weapon to attack face.(in Aggro mod)
If you don't have the plugin installed already, you need to digg through your logs and find the right one. The're located in Hearthbuddy Folder\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs
How to report misplays:
Please follow this simple guide to report misplays: Click
Information that I need:
Please pm me all that information(recommended) or post it in this thread
- logfile!!!(with comments inside if possible)
- decklist that you've botted with
- any changes that you made to that deck
- small description of the misplay
- description of the correct play and why
it's more stupid than last version, it replace fiery War Axe with rogue's skill weapon before attack . can you fix last version (8.5) and make it adopt to Hearthbuddy: 0.3 r1326 Build 339. thank you very much .I can't do anything without the UIlog file.
If you don't have the plugin installed already, you need to digg through your logs and find the right one. The're located in Hearthbuddy Folder\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\UltimateLogs
All of this is completely free. You have to pay for the bot to use my changes for the AI.Are there any free supported decks? That I can just download the game and start botting with?
it's more stupid than last version, it replace fiery War Axe with rogue's skill weapon before attack . can you fix last version (8.5) and make it adopt to Hearthbuddy: 0.3 r1326 Build 339. thank you very much .