Decklist?hit rank 5 again, thanks your work
Decklist?hit rank 5 again, thanks your work
Hey guys, I actually don't know what went wrong with the pirate warrior. Do you have any logs for me with obvious misplays(witch didn't happen before)?
I said I will focus more on the other decks, but it doesn't mean that I'm no longer supporting pirate warr.
Until we figure it out, try the new mid shaman deck(don't forget to change the setting mentioned in Update8.3). I went 22-16(58%), last night with it.
Do you have a deck list for the mid range shamen?
Hey guys, I actually don't know what went wrong with the pirate warrior. Do you have any logs for me with obvious misplays(witch didn't happen before)?
ps: weaponOnlyAttackMobsUntilEnfacehp = 4 doesn't exist in the standard HB. I added it to be able to expand it in future.
Oh cool, I thought Coolmaster added it for your Face warrior.
Could you pls make weaponOnlyAttackMobsUntilEnfacehp = 4 more intelligent - dont waste last charge on face/non-important stuff if any playable card on board/ in hand for next turn has synergy with weapon ?
That's why I added it, but it'll take some time, maybe I can add more stuff to it with the next bigger update
And if every developer puts twotsamount != 0 and it makes my bot do stupid sh!t, what should I do? try make lower value or set it 0?
Don't know why that is a problem. In the last update I did revert the setting so it shouldn't be an issue anymore![]()
Two nights ago, I ran pirate warrior and won around 65%. Used last nights update tonight and went all the way from rank 6 to 11 with 33% winrate. So
I would say that I've experienced something very similar. Otis himself isn't running the pirate warrior right now, so he'll rely on our logs etc.
Hey guys,
This pirate deck has gotten me absolutely nowhere the past week.. I dont know how anyone is winning with it
Hey guys,
I think we're good now. As mentioned, I tested the bot against real opponnents at rank 5 - did 6 games with shaman and 5 with pirate warrior.
I was pretty impressed so I thought I share my resultsKilled two reno locks before turn 6 with warrior and outvalued a control pala with shaman.
View attachment 216964
There are still some minor issues but I just wanted to give you this update ASAP. Please keep the logs coming so we can make the AI even better with the next update!
Download latest update
It's highly recommended to download a clean Hearthbuddy folder and then put the files in there to make sure you don't have some bad stuff left.
Update8.4 Download updated in first post!
- lots of bugfixes
- don't use Acidic Swamp Ooze against rogue if he has no weapon
- added small bonus to play Small-Time Buccaneer
- pick Steady Shot over Life Tap with Sir Finley
- raised priority to kill Flamewaker
- added penality to play Heroic Strike if they are no minions on the enemy's side that are worth it(hp > 2) to kill
(not 100% sure about this, but it prevents using it to kill 1/1, 2/2)
I am having the same problem it maxed at 10 for me and dropped me to 18 yesterday. If people could please provide deck lists maybe we could compare and see if that is the discrepancy.
Default Behavior "FACE" is ok for war pirate or we have to use project legend for this deck too ?
- removed behavior Face(please don't use it anymore because it's quite old and buggy)
- added mulligan for pirate warrior to behavior ProjectLegend
- if you want to bot with slower decks, make sure you change enfacehp to 12 or a number you're satisfied with. To do this go to Hearthbuddy Folder\Routines\DefaultRoutine\Silverfish\behavior\ProjectLegend and change the value in _settings.txt
- recommended:
- pirate warrior: 30
- pirate-dragon warrior: 15
- mid shaman: 15(keep in mind attacking with 1ap spiritclaws is always forbidden)
- hunter: 18