[16:56:32.566 N] [Singular] *Death and Decay at 0.9 yds <4573.48, 4826.031, 677.139>
[16:56:32.821 N] (Singular) Storing Death and Decay as last spell cast.
[16:56:32.822 N] (Singular) Storing Death and Decay as last spell cast.
[16:56:32.822 N] (Singular) Storing Death and Decay as last spell cast.
[16:56:32.822 N] (Singular) Storing Death and Decay as last spell cast.
[16:56:32.822 N] (Singular) Storing Death and Decay as last spell cast.
[16:56:32.945 N] (Singular) Storing Death and Decay as last spell cast.
[16:56:33.889 N] [Singular] *Marrowrend on Pinerock Stalker.B09E @ 78.7% at 3.7 yds
[16:56:34.205 N] (Singular) Storing Bone Shield as last spell cast.
[16:56:34.206 N] (Singular) Storing Marrowrend as last spell cast.
[16:56:35.523 N] (Singular) Storing Ossuary as last spell cast.
[16:56:35.523 N] (Singular) Storing Marrowrend as last spell cast.
[16:56:35.194 N] [Singular] *Marrowrend on Pinerock Stalker.B09E @ 64.4% at 3.7 yds
[16:56:36.694 N] (Singular) Storing Blood Shield as last spell cast.
[16:56:36.694 N] (Singular) Storing Death Strike as last spell cast.
[16:56:36.444 N] [Singular] *Death Strike on Pinerock Stalker.B09E @ 53.9% at 3.7 yds
[16:56:37.638 N] [Singular] *Heart Strike on Pinerock Stalker.B09E @ 20.9% at 3.7 yds
[16:56:37.953 N] (Singular) Storing Heart Strike as last spell cast.
[16:56:37.953 N] (Singular) Storing Heart Strike as last spell cast.
[16:56:39.061 N] (Singular) Storing Blood Boil as last spell cast.
[16:56:39.133 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[16:56:38.824 N] [Singular] *Blood Boil on Pinerock Stalker.B09E @ 7.3% at 3.7 yds
[16:56:39.062 D] [@ProfitMaster 39.062]: Unit Died: <Pinerock Stalker@B09E>@[id:99481]
[16:56:39.137 N] [@ProfitMaster 39.137]: Changing Target <Pinerock Stalker@B063>
[16:56:39.262 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: Pinerock Stalker.B063 lvl=110 h=74.9%, maxh=1039267, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=99481, faction=1711, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, TargetIndex=1, creature=Beast, tagme=Y, tagother=N
[16:56:39.588 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] 253
[16:56:39.592 D] [@ProfitMaster 39.592]: Setting BotPoi to optimal target [99481]<Pinerock Stalker@B063>
[16:56:39.592 D] Changed POI to: Type: Kill, Name: Pinerock Stalker, NavType: Fly
[16:56:39.592 N] [@ProfitMaster 39.592]: Facing(90) [99481]<Pinerock Stalker@B063>
[16:56:39.992 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: Pinerock Stalker.B063 h=72.6%, maxh=1039267, d=3.7 yds, box=0.0, inmelee=Y, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=1711, loss=Y, face=Y, agro=Y, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[16:56:39.997 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(PathGenerating): towards Pinerock Stalker.B063 @ 3.7 yds
[16:56:40.011 N] [Singular] *Blood Boil on Pinerock Stalker.B063 @ 72.6% at 3.7 yds
[16:56:40.243 N] (Singular) Storing Blood Boil as last spell cast.
[16:56:41.178 N] (Singular) MoveToMelee(PathGenerated): towards Pinerock Stalker.B063 @ 3.7 yds
[16:56:41.187 N] [Singular] *Heart Strike on Pinerock Stalker.B063 @ 60.0% at 3.7 yds
[16:56:41.497 N] (Singular) Storing Heart Strike as last spell cast.
[16:56:41.498 N] (Singular) Storing Heart Strike as last spell cast.
[16:56:41.498 N] (Singular) Storing Ettin's Brawn as last spell cast.
[16:56:41.498 N] (Singular) Storing Ettin's Brawn as last spell cast.
[16:56:42.618 N] (Singular) Storing Blood Shield as last spell cast.
[16:56:42.618 N] (Singular) Storing Death Strike as last spell cast.
[16:56:42.366 N] [Singular] *Death Strike on Pinerock Stalker.B063 @ 48.0% at 3.2 yds
[16:56:42.879 N] (Singular) Storing Death and Decay as last spell cast.
[16:56:43.376 N] (Singular) Storing Crimson Scourge as last spell cast.
[16:56:43.660 N] [Singular] *Heart Strike on Pinerock Stalker.B063 @ 24.3% at 3.2 yds
[16:56:43.940 N] (Singular) Storing Heart Strike as last spell cast.
[16:56:43.941 N] (Singular) Storing Heart Strike as last spell cast.
[16:56:45.198 N] (Singular) Storing Heart Strike as last spell cast.
[16:56:44.816 N] [Singular] *Heart Strike on Pinerock Stalker.B063 @ 16.3% at 3.2 yds
[16:56:46.324 N] (Singular) Storing Blood Boil as last spell cast.
[16:56:46.330 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: (null)
[16:56:46.004 N] [Singular] *Blood Boil on Pinerock Stalker.B063 @ 8.7% at 3.2 yds
[16:56:46.324 D] [@ProfitMaster 46.324]: Unit Died: <Pinerock Stalker@B063>@[id:99481]
[16:56:46.332 D] Capability state flags changed. Movement: DontCare -> Disallowed.
[16:56:46.332 D] Capability state flags changed. Facing: DontCare -> Disallowed.
[16:56:46.332 D] Capability state flags changed. Targeting: DontCare -> Disallowed.
[16:56:48.164 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.164]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[16:56:48.164 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.164]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 9m 0s
[16:57:02.041 N] Latency to Buddy service: 266 ms
[16:57:48.175 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.175]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[16:57:48.176 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.176]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 10m 1s
[16:58:48.190 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.190]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[16:58:48.190 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.190]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 11m 1s
[16:59:02.037 N] Latency to Buddy service: 182 ms
[16:59:48.204 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.204]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[16:59:48.204 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.204]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 12m 1s
[17:00:48.218 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.218]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[17:00:48.218 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.218]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 13m 1s
[17:01:02.065 N] Latency to Buddy service: 288 ms
[17:01:48.233 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.233]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[17:01:48.233 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.233]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 14m 1s
[17:02:48.246 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.246]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[17:02:48.246 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.246]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 15m 1s
[17:03:02.027 N] Latency to Buddy service: 287 ms
[17:03:48.257 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.257]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[17:03:48.257 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.257]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 16m 1s
[17:04:48.273 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.273]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[17:04:48.273 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.273]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 17m 1s
[17:05:02.025 N] Latency to Buddy service: 182 ms
[17:05:48.285 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.285]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[17:05:48.285 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.285]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 18m 1s
[17:06:48.297 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.297]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[17:06:48.297 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.297]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 19m 1s
[17:07:02.021 N] Latency to Buddy service: 183 ms
[17:07:48.310 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.310]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[17:07:48.310 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.310]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 20m 1s
[17:08:48.327 D] [@ProfitMaster 48.327]: [Debug Info]: [0, Active: True] :: <[Legion][Herbalism][FoxFlower] - Thunder Totem Top Round #5 Roaming>: Switch to Next: False, Minutes: 0, Item ID: 0, Item Count: 0, Objective Done: False, Realm Hops: False, Restart: False
[17:08:48.327 N] [@ProfitMaster 48.327]: Running: Time Passed From Start: 1h 21m 1s
[17:09:02.033 N] Latency to Buddy service: 182 ms
[17:09:02.457 N] Stopping the bot!
[17:09:02.458 Q] Bot stopping! Reason: User pressed the stop button
[17:09:02.461 N] [@ProfitMaster 02.461]: [Chests Collector] Harvested nodes during session: 3
[17:09:02.462 N] [@ProfitMaster 02.462]: --------------------------------------------------
[17:09:02.464 N] [@ProfitMaster 02.464]: [Herb Harvester] Harvested nodes during session: 18
[17:09:02.464 N] [@ProfitMaster 02.464]: --------------------------------------------------
[17:09:02.464 D] [@ProfitMaster 02.464]: Move stop requested - bot stopped
[17:09:29.446 N] Wow exited, Honorbuddy stopped!
[17:09:29.446 N] Honorbuddy terminating in 20 seconds.