[11:04:24.712 N] [@ProfitMaster 24.712]: Moving[Ground Move] to <[98233]<枯法饥渴者>@A6AF>[98233] ->5 at <1911.835, 4997.927, 117.8785>@14.54, Me at <1899.155, 4990.811, 117.5322>
[11:04:24.999 D] Activity: [ProfitMaster] => [Legion][Herbalism][Starlight Rose - Suramar] - Big Round Center #6 [Roaming]: Moving[Ground Move] to <[98233]<枯法饥渴者>@A6AF>[98233] ->5 at <1911.835, 4997.927, 117.8785>@14.54, Me at <1899.155, 4990.811, 117.5322>
[11:04:25.104 N] [@ProfitMaster 25.104]: Arrived to <[98233]<枯法饥渴者>@A6AF> [by Condition] at <1911.835, 4997.927, 117.8785>@11.85->5. Me at <1901.241, 4992.619, 118.1229>
[11:04:25.262 N] (Singular) Storing 投掷利刃 as last spell cast.
[11:04:25.403 N] (Singular) YourCurrentTarget: changed to: 枯法行尸.97DD lvl=110 h=100.0%, maxh=623560, d=1.7 yds, box=0.5, boss=N, trivial=N, player=N, attackable=Y, neutral=N, hostile=Y, entry=100014, faction=1965, loss=Y, facing=N, blacklist=N, combat=Y, flying=N, abovgrnd=N, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1, creature=Humanoid, tagme=Y, tagother=N
[11:04:25.530 N] (Singular) [WoWRedError] 253
[11:04:25.618 N] (Singular) <<< ADD >>> CurrentTarget now: 枯法行尸.97DD h=100.0%, maxh=623560, d=1.2 yds, box=0.5, inmelee=Y, player=N, hostil=Y, faction=1965, loss=Y, face=N, agro=Y, IsBotPoi=Kill, TargetIndex=1
[11:04:25.619 N] (Singular) (Singular) FaceTarget: more than 70 degrees, but suppress since moving=true
[11:04:25.619 N] (Singular) EnsureMovementStoppedWithinMelee: stopping because target at 1.2 yds
[11:04:25.173 N] [Singular] *Throw Glaive on 枯法饥渴者.A6AF @ 100.0% at 11.4 yds
[11:04:37.101 N] [@ProfitMaster 37.101]: Unit Died: <[98233]<枯法饥渴者>@A6AF>@[id:98233]