where is author?
i cant see any fixes of old problems - bot still cant go to the another Bounty from Gardens lvl1
he just explore it again and again
For act 4, just use the Normal ver of db, the beta is more for rifting with the zeta memory loss stuff![]()
and a lot of stuff reported here - not DB related things
this one i reported, and many peoples before
another - with Northren Highlands ACT1
etc etc etc
Act 1:
Bounty: Kill Growler...
Kill 150 enemies in fields of misery
kill growler
Bot will kill 150 enemies, then run straight down to Cemetary of the forsaken waypoint, teleport back to town. and reapeat in a loop
I cant find the bounty on your list either, maybe it got forgotten ? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...a1htcnNuRkxoYzVScGlEMzVQWVE&usp=sharing#gid=0
Bot stuck with these error.
ACT 4 bounty.
Trinity .25 DB beta 394
Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-178782201 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-177078216 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-178782201 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-177078216 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-178782201 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-177078216 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-178782201 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-177078216 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-178782201 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-177078216 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-178782201 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-177078216 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-178782201 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-177078216 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-178782201 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-177078216 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-178782201 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-177078216 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
[Trinity] Blacklisting target GoldSmall ActorSNO=4313 RActorGUID=-178782201 due to possible stuck/flipflop!
wow, act 1 almost afkable with that package, only thing i kept running into is that it didnt really detect shrines or something other than that it was flawless O_O
>>> "Here is a package I made to make this profile work amazing. It includes the released version of Demonbuddy and the recommended versions of the plugins needed to make it work almost flawless.
1. Unpack the zip to a folder of your choice.
2. Start Diablo and login to your account so you get to your character screen else you will get an error in Demonbuddy.
3. Start Demonbuddy.exe
4. Insert your key to login
5. Click on the "Plugins" tab and enable QuestTools, Trinity and RiftBot
6. Exit Demonbuddy
7. Delete the "CompiledAssemblies" folder inside your Demonbuddy folder
8. Start Demonbuddy.exe
9. Click on the arrow next to the "Settings" button and enable "Open Loot containers" and "Open Chests". Loot Radius 100/Kill Radius 80. Repair Durability to 25% to make it work correctly.
10. Choose your preferred difficulty under "Game Difficulty".
11. Save and Close.
12. Click on the "Plugins" tab. Click on "Trinity" then click the "Config" button.
Trigger range for Elite Combat = 45
Trigger range for Trash Combat = 30
Minimum Trash Mob Pack Size = 1
Trash Pack Cluster Radius = 30
Disable"Force Kill Summoners"
Set Treasure Goblins to Kamikaze (Decrease this option if the bot tries to walk through walls and over cliffs to get to him)
Enable "Attempt to avoid AOE" and "Kite to Avoid Death on Low HP"
Disable "Path Around AOE", "Avoid Savage Beast Charge", Attack Mobs in AOE" and "Avoid Fire Chains"
Container Open Range = 30
Enable "Open Chests"
"Enable Gold Inactivity" = 180
As for the rest of the settings in Trinity, set to your own preference. These settings help the bot do the rifts more smooth.
The profiles to use is inside the Profile folder.
Everything is updated for best performance with this profile.
Updated 23/4 22:06 local time.<<<<<<<<<< "
this package is working perfectly for me when doing act 4 bounty, 100% afkable i did it this night no problems at all
i just created new folder for this package and pasted the latest bounty files NOTHING ELSE
infinite loop
gold timer ofc dont work, but its trinity related part