Please guys, DO NOT BUY the product, the support form Reviir is RIDICULOUS, and the guys is so arrogant that as soon as you paid, he will treat you like a piece of shit !
I can only let you aware before it is to late ! This guy is bullshitting like hell. Only issue, on his Group Chat - Skype, to many noobies are connected and therefore, believe Reviir like GOD !
BTW, I ain't the only one to think like this, as Vitta - Xbitz etc... we are a bunch of people that do understand HB and codding and this guys does not deserve respect.
Tell the truth on the Skype Group Channel that Reviir has created and you will result to get kicked off - 6 mates has been kicked, simply because we told him the truth, and course, he does not like to hear the truth, so easy way, " let's kick them off so dumbass that had ZERO knowledge of codding, can still buy my scripts.... ".
I forgot, there is NO SVN to get the latest version as as a result of been kicked and paid for the script, not possible to get the latest version - It's simply a SCAMMER