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Buying your profile now, better be worth it. I'll post a review later on.
Veteran here so I'll be giving a no bullshit review in the coming days, I bought a premium auction script recently and it wouldn't even work properly, very very disappointed, hoping yours will be better.
So now everyone and their mother is doing a review? hehe. FINE, i'll join in.
Very simple setup, does what it's meant to do. currently at 16k profit off AH alone, 3 hours run, and if you have any noobish questions (like me), rev is easy to get a hold of and explains whatever I've been wondering.
I have to say, I bought Reviir's profile at the end of November and I can say nothing bad about it, I have one farm toon depositing in the gbank and it is constantly being posted with no work from me. I love love love love it! If you are on the fence about buying his profile, I say take the plunge it is fantastic!! and you will not regret it
Thank ya thank ya... And for the record I made a decition that it is unfair of me to have enchanting and bars in the profile but exclude the raw gems... so will be adding RAW gems to the profile in next few days.
A standing ovation for Omation, and you can quote me on that. This is a great profile that works smoothly and is fine tuned to no end. If you buying any other AH bots then your simply wasting your time and money and you will realize this soon after your purchase. Get it while the price is good guys!
1. Pre-Configuration
2. Cycle Randomization
3. Advanced Deposit
4. Advanced Withdraw
5. Cancel Multiplier w/Randomization
6. Human like behavior
But over all this tool is a professorial level tool for atomizing getting rid of all the crap we collect. On a consistent basis that looks like a human. not like a bot as most of the other tools out there.
IF you are OK with the amount of setup needed to make Ah buddy run go for it. It has some awesome features for the casual person.. like the random items it has in there.
Will the brought profile scan the AH and undercut? (as in a set %)
Will it buy items from the AH cheaper then the median value?
I know there's a script for it on the AHbuddy thread, but im to lazy up update the prices myself, so im looking for something that will do it automatically and maybe grab data from AH websites, if that makes sense.
AH buddy does alot of different stuff that this does NOT do..
This is built to do all of your AH'n if your a FARMER.
It is not built to sell items... If its not Cloth / Ore / enchanting / Leather / Herbs / Meats(fish) this is not for you. (RAW gems to be add'd soon.)
Will the brought profile scan the AH and undercut? (as in a set %)
Yes this is a "smart" bot it knows when it should buy herbs if you have a scribe or ore if you have a JC. It scans and posts and cancels if undercut... its set up to run as a HUMAN so it dosnt scan every time.. randomly (based on your defined criteria... Config.. is SUPER easy. Litterly andwere a couple yes and no's then CLICK START AND WALY AWAY.
its not Omnipotent yet. but we are wokin on it
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Tahoma, Calibri, Geneva, sans-serif]Makes 100% sense to grab info from other sources and to import the data into the profile... but I'm not that smart quite yet.. looking into options once we have a couple other pressing things finished up.[/FONT]