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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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I did, that ID is only one here.

New problem: When it post into AH, it will go into mailbox and back to AH and cancel ALL underbided auctions. (in Profile i have canceling auctions on False)

Can you post your log and profile?
I did, that ID is only one here.

New problem: When it post into AH, it will go into mailbox and back to AH and cancel ALL underbided auctions. (in Profile i have canceling auctions on False)

There should be two places where you can config whatever it cancels or not, think it's these two:
first: looks like
<Settings DefaultValue="True" Type="Boolean" Name="Cancel Undercut Auctions" Summary="Cancels your auction which have been undercut" Category="Misc" Global="False" Hidden="False" />

and second:
    <StackItemsAction />	
    <If Condition="(bool)Settings[&quot;Cancel Undercut Auctions&quot;]" IgnoreCanRun="True">
      <CustomAction Code="Log (Colors.Crimson,&quot;AHBuddy: &quot;,Colors.BlanchedAlmond,&quot;Checking for undercut auctions.&quot;);" />
      <CancelAuctionAction UseCategory="False" ItemID="0" AutoFindAh="True" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" />

and then you just change the "True" values to "False", and i think it should fix it. (i havent tried it myself as im too lazy to restart the bot all the time, but out from what ive learned with codes (its not much) this should do it)
I did, nothing happened so i gave it back.

I just want to repost IF price is not under MINBUYOUT. How did you do that?

I have everything default+in Bot Config - Open AHbot.xml - Cancel undercut auctions - True ......it cancel auctions everything which is under minbuyout = it post and after 30 sec it cancels and repeat

btw everything in this AHbuddy is bugged

PB 1.542: Loading profile AHBuddy.xml
Starting the bot!
Currently Using BotBase : ProfessionBuddy
Changing current profile to level 0 - 2147483647
PB 1.542: Done Loading Tradeskills.
PB 1.542: Checking for new version
PB 1.542: No updates found
Cancel Undercut Auctions: True
Post to the Auction House: True
Check Mail: True
CycleWait: False
DepositGoldInGbank: False
BuyOut Threshold: 1000 Gold
Current Gold: 1181 Gold
AHBuddy: Checking for new mail.
[Singular] Your Level 1 Tauren Lowbie Shaman Build is 
[Singular] ... running the ProfessionBuddy bot Solo in Thunder Bluff
[Singular] Context changed, re-creating behaviors 
PB 1.542: Mail retrieval of items:AllItems finished
AHBuddy: Checking for undercut auctions.
AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
PB 1.542: Selling Ghost Iron Ore for 1g40s0c. Competition is at 1g19s94c
PB 1.542: Selling Ghost Iron Bar for 2g80s0c. Competition is at 2g58s0c
AHBuddy: Checking for undercut auctions.
AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
PB 1.542: Selling Ghost Iron Ore for 2g50s0c. There is no competition
PB 1.542: Selling Ghost Iron Bar for 2g80s0c. Competition is at 2g58s0c
AHBuddy: Checking for new mail.
AHBuddy: Checking for undercut auctions.
AHBuddy: Checking for new mail.
AHBuddy: Posting items to the AH.
PB 1.542: Selling Ghost Iron Ore for 1g40s0c. Competition is at 1g19s90c
PB 1.542: Selling Ghost Iron Bar for 2g80s0c. Competition is at 2g58s0c
AHBuddy: Checking for undercut auctions.
AHBuddy: Checking for new mail.
Stopping the bot!
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I have everything default+in Bot Config - Open AHbot.xml - Cancel undercut auctions - True ......it cancel auctions everything which is under minbuyout = it post and after 30 sec it cancels and repeat

btw everything in this AHbuddy is bugged

So, you're editing AHBot.xml but running AHBuddy.xml. That would be your problem. Two different things there.

Open and edit AHBuddy, save when done.
Open HB and set bot type to ProfessionBuddy, then set profile as AHBuddy.xml.
AHBot.xml has nothing to do with AHBuddy.

'Everything in this' AHBuddy is not bugged. It's a profile that follows logical steps which users can alter, it runs as intended in it's default form (except it'll bankrupt you due to all prices set at 0g) if it stops working after you've edited it, then there's a high chance that something you changed has 'stopped' it from working. In which case, start over with the default profile or report your issues to the thread and include as much information as you can beit your edited profile, logs, etc.

I'm very quickly going to stop helping people, even stop replying to people who write very short posts along the lines of "It's selling everything for too cheap!" or "It's not working, it's bugged." because for one they haven't explained anything that they're actually talking about, and two I bet they haven't even skimmed through the thread to look for help or answers.
So this bot is like a ''gold mine'' or what? like how much do you get per day?
im botting very discrete atm since i heard theres banwaves going around, but im currently running shuffler profiles with jc/alch inscription/ench and herb/mining, 3 bots, but 70k+ earned and counting, since thursday
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I'm very quickly going to stop helping people, even stop replying to people who write very short posts along the lines of "It's selling everything for too cheap!" or "It's not working, it's bugged." because for one they haven't explained anything that they're actually talking about, and two I bet they haven't even skimmed through the thread to look for help or answers.

Ok, thank for help

I look at 10 pages of this thread and tryied find solution for this for several hours. I think i did much before i asked. ;-)
Guys, I can't figure it out.

How can I make it list only specific items (right now it posts to AH everything in my bags).
Is there any way how to learn AHbuddy cancel undercutted auctions? But only those which are not under MINBUYOUT?

I downloaded new ahbuddy.XML but nothing new.

Can someone upload his .xml?
Is there any way how to learn AHbuddy cancel undercutted auctions? But only those which are not under MINBUYOUT?

I downloaded new ahbuddy.XML but nothing new.

Can someone upload his .xml?
I can answer this for you, do you know why? I read through the thread.
(Ok, ok.. Are you still editing a file and then running another file thinking it's the right one?)

LOL, I had a few of those moments at the start too. It gets better though, I've now made over 370,000g clear-profit since I started using AHBuddy.
LOL, I had a few of those moments at the start too. It gets better though, I've now made over 370,000g clear-profit since I started using AHBuddy.
Do you buy low/sell high on AH?

I currently only sell my own farmed goods (with great results).
<!--Glyph of Maul-->
<SellItemOnAhAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="40897" MinBuyout="10g0s0c" MaxBuyout="250g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />

Competition is at 28 gold - why does it keep posting, canceling, then reposting for 250 g ???????????????

just one of many that fails to do what it's supposed to do
the only explaination i have is because during the scan - I never see these items pop up ?? any reason this these few (like 10 procent) are skipped from it ???

this is giving me a headache ><
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Do you buy low/sell high on AH?
I do both now. I have that lvl1 dedicated to flipping and another toon that sells off other crafted and farmed items. The flipping makes up for maybe 5%-8% of my clear-profit, could be higher but I only log him in a few times a day for a few minutes at a time. It was very much just a test to see if my flipping ideas would actually work. And (on my server at least) it does.

<!--Glyph of Maul-->
<SellItemOnAhAction Category="TradeGoods" SubCategoryType="WoWItemTradeGoodsClass" SubCategory="None" UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="40897" MinBuyout="10g0s0c" MaxBuyout="250g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" Location="0, 0, 0" />

Competition is at 28 gold - why does it keep posting, canceling, then reposting for 250 g ???????????????

just one of many that fails to do what it's supposed to do
Your posted settings look correct, and unless you either aren't loading the correct profile or are editing the file profile while it's loaded (good idea to reload HB and the profile after an edit) I cannot see any reason why it would do what you're reporting. Can you post your log file at all?

i wont finde it when i press ctrl f dont know why
I could guess that your problems spawn from spelling errors.
Hi, I've been using AHBuddy for 6 months now, accounts used to be banned after 2 or 3 weeks botting the AH.

Problem is, now they are getting banned after less than a day (My last AHbuddy account : created 13/02 - banned 72h 13/02 - Unbanned 16/02 - permabanned 16/02)

I noticed they now have a new reason for the ban on the mail they send to you : they used to say 'banned for using a third party program" now it's "banned for using AH with a bot"

Does anyone using AHbuddy is having the same problem or it is specific to my server ?
Well if you use ahbuddy 24/7 ofcourse you'll get banned because people will get pissed off and report you - this happens more on heavy populated servers
I never used Ahbuddy 24/7, max 8h per day, I never had problems before, of course the accounts were banned after 2-3 weeks due to mass reports which is normal. but now I think Blizz are more reactive to this botting method / got something to detect it quickly, thats why I posted that
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