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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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As far as I can see a lot of your prices are set to 0g0s0c, if you have those items in your bags it'll sell them for the price. You need to either set all the prices for items in your bags, remove un-needed entries from the XML or replace each instance of MinBuyout="0g0s0c" with MinBuyout="100g0s0c" (or a price of your own choice). Please take the time to browse through this thread, you'll find the instructions to edit this file in the way that you need to for it to run as you intend. If you can't justify spending the time to read through the thread then I suggest using something other than AHBuddy as it's not just a download-and-go profile like many believe, it does require a certain amount of user research and configuration to get it working in a optimal fashion.

- - - Updated - - -

could anyone send me their ahbuddy config with prices/stack quantities etc. already added? i dont understand why all this has to be done manually : / basically i want the bot to sell everything just undercutting the competition by lowest ammount possible, for all items i got(leathers,herbs,ores, green boe's, blue boe's etc.) if anyone got it all set up and could sure - id appreciate that, i just dont fell like filling all of it manually, id rather use the default ah bot then
i spent some time configuring it but was tired of copy-pasting same prices everywhere. why not just put min buy out 1 copper and max buy out 1 000 000 g by default for selling bot since it checks auctions for prices and undercuts anyway. buying out bot is a different story of course

In most text editors you can replace all instances of one thing with something else.

For example:
Replace MinBuyout="0g0s0c" with MinBuyout="1g0s0c"
Replace MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" with MaxBuyout="10000g0s0c"
Why does this thing keep posting all of my items for 0 gold. It's pissing me off!!! How do i configure these items that i went to sell so it undercurts between a certain range.
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could anyone send me their ahbuddy config with prices/stack quantities etc. already added? i dont understand why all this has to be done manually : / basically i want the bot to sell everything just undercutting the competition by lowest ammount possible, for all items i got(leathers,herbs,ores, green boe's, blue boe's etc.) if anyone got it all set up and could sure - id appreciate that, i just dont fell like filling all of it manually, id rather use the default ah bot then
i spent some time configuring it but was tired of copy-pasting same prices everywhere. why not just put min buy out 1 copper and max buy out 1 000 000 g by default for selling bot since it checks auctions for prices and undercuts anyway. buying out bot is a different story of course

You didn't even bother looking in the previous pages. There are 2-3 posted setups. I wouldn't share mine with you :) Its a wonderful tool, that actually needs to be adjusted to server economy. But i guess you are to lazy to care :)
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Hey! just wanna say great profile it works really well! though i'll have to admit that, it can be abit confusing if ur completely new to it (atleast it was for me lol). So i thought i'd try and make a detailed guide (with already included steps by the author) for putting stuff on AH with it. (dont wanna steal any creds for the profile btw, all goes to Zakanator)
But yea, let's get started:

Step 1: Follow the instructions on page 1 (with opening and editing the file with notepad(\honorbuddy\bots\professionbuddy\profiles\AhBuddy (right click > open with notepad))
step 2: find your desired item with the search function crtl+b and keep clicking next untill you're at where the script starts with "<SellItemOnAhAction" below your item

Step 3: go to where it says MinBuyout, and change it to the lowest price you want to sell the item at (this is a +- situation, cause you could really undercut yourself if you set it too low, but then again if it is items there are alot of, it will just keep undercutting the current item on the AH, untill it reaches this price, but ill return to that later)

Step 4: go to where it says MaxBuyout, and same again, change this to the highest price you want to sell it at (and this again is a +- situation, mostly a + though, because the bot will post the items up to this price, untill it reaches this price. But this is where the minus comes, cause if you set it at like 500g and it normally sells at 50g, and theres no other auctions on the AH at this price, it will post it for 500g)

Step 5: go to where it says StackSize. And this is of course how big the stacks should be, i.e 1,2,5,10,20.
- IgnoreStackSizeBelow, means that it wont post stacks below this amount

Step 6: go to where it says Amount. This is how many items / stacks it will post at a time. I'll recommend, dependent on how big your server / AH is, dont post more than 5 at a time, cause if you keep posting excessive amounts of stacks, multiple times a day, many days in a row, it will look suspicious, and will probably lead to a ban. And besides, the bot keeps refresing your posts on AH itself, to make sure this option is at max at all times.

And then there's the function: UndercutPrecent="0.0001". This is how much it will undercut with if there already are other items on the AH, and if there isn't other items, it will post them for the price you set at MaxBuyout, as i mentioned earlier. And this is 1copper it undercuts with.

Step 7: Save and close the notepad, stop your bot if its running and load your AHBuddy profile again, so it can read the new prices.

And that's it =) Please correct me if there's anything i got wrong here. And as said before, dont wanna steal creds, just thought i'd make a more in-depth description for people like me, that arent that logically thinking xD So yea, happy AH'ing!
Ps. (Dunno if this already has been posted, but havent been arsed to look through 90 pages of posts, hehe :P)

Edit: If you are posting stacks, dont set the price to what you want to sell the stacks at, ie a stack of bars for 50g. But set it to the stack price, divided with 20, so it looks like this: 1 stack of bars sells for 50g, then set min/maxbuyout to 2g 0s and max to 2g 50s. Then it will sell it for min 40g and max 50g

EditEdit: dont have any items in your bag you havent set up in the AHBuddy profile / things you dont wanna sell, cause it will put it on the AH for 0copper
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All my items that I wanna sell start with <BuyItemFromAhAction. There isn't a single one of them starting with <SellItemOnAhAction. I am speaking about glyphs.
So there is not way I can set it up. I've downloaded the last profile from the SVN. Any suggestions?
All my items that I wanna sell start with <BuyItemFromAhAction. There isn't a single one of them starting with <SellItemOnAhAction. I am speaking about glyphs.
So there is not way I can set it up. I've downloaded the last profile from the SVN. Any suggestions?

Ah yea i can see that.. either you have to add it manually, or ask the author to write it in his profile.
but manually copy paste this into where it says glyphs: (this is just an example of how to do it, if you dont have any experience with scripting language i wouldnt suggest messing with it)

<!--"Insert glyph name here"-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="INSERT ITEMID HERE(from wowhead)" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

And then just repeat this process for all the glyphs you wanna sell, by inserting the glyph name, and the itemID from wowhead (its the 5 numbers in your adress bar, i.e for glyph of afterlife its "87891".
so it looks like:

<!--"Glyph of Afterlife"-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="87891" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

and then manually configure everything else as u would do normally :P
hope it helps
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Ah yea i can see that.. either you have to add it manually, or ask the author to write it in his profile.
but manually copy paste this into where it says glyphs: (this is just an example of how to do it, if you dont have any experience with scripting language i wouldnt suggest messing with it)

<!--"Insert glyph name here"-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="INSERT ITEMID HERE(from wowhead)" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

And then just repeat this process for all the glyphs you wanna sell, by inserting the glyph name, and the itemID from wowhead (its the 5 numbers in your adress bar, i.e for glyph of afterlife its "87891".
so it looks like:

<!--"Glyph of Afterlife"-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="False" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="87891" MinBuyout="0g0s0c" MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" StackSize="1" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="5" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

and then manually configure everything else as u would do normally :P
hope it helps

Thanks a lot! That clear things. I've no idea why the maker of the profile didn't add that on a first place when the OP state that this profile can sell also lol
Thanks a lot! That clear things. I've no idea why the maker of the profile didn't add that on a first place when the OP state that this profile can sell also lol

I'm feeling nice today, so here's all the glyphs listed.


These are all set for Min/Max buyouts at 0g0s0c, so make sure you change prices. I have the ability to automate this process using TUJ market data if you can find a way to bribe me into it. Also check to make sure the StackSize and Amount suits you.
I'm feeling nice today, so here's all the glyphs listed.


These are all set for Min/Max buyouts at 0g0s0c, so make sure you change prices. I have the ability to automate this process using TUJ market data if you can find a way to bribe me into it. Also check to make sure the StackSize and Amount suits you.

Huge thanks for sharing this mate !!!

It will save me quite a lot of time pasting and making my own list. Today I was messing around with it and in one hour I managed to add 20 glyphs only(I know, I am slow). For the Bribing part if you feel better tomorrow than today feel free to share the way either here or in PM. I will appreciate it a lot and thanks again for this share! :)
I have the ability to automate this process using TUJ market data if you can find a way to bribe me into it. Also check to make sure the StackSize and Amount suits you.

I'd make a PP donation for this if you made it such that we could choose which value (market vs mean) to use and set the min buyout as a % of one of those. Would also be nice if it would pull the items listed in the xml, so if I added an item you didn't have in the list it would automatically populate that one as well.
I'd make a PP donation for this if you made it such that we could choose which value (market vs mean) to use and set the min buyout as a % of one of those.
At the moment it requires my interaction to complete the process fully, the other things holding me back are that I have no hosting for it (it's web-based as I do intend to host it at some stage) so it's running off my personal development machine/server in my home, I wont go into the workings and features too much though as I'd like to keep some of my ideas and procedures to myself.. Also I don't have as much spare time to work on this as I'd like to at the moment, anyone who has been a stay-at-home parent will understand how a baby takes priority and whilst it's under your care you're usually either too exhausted or cannot concentrate enough to do many things.

I can set it manually to use either of those values, and for crafted items (not yet implemented) I intend to have the option of setting the price from the TUJ ReagentPrice value.

Would also be nice if it would pull the items listed in the xml, so if I added an item you didn't have in the list it would automatically populate that one as well.

This is exactly what it does, basically the user would supply an AHBuddy.XML file with all the entries they would like to have populated, server name and faction, and eventually their own TUJ key (to pull down data and not waste mine) and they will be presented with a ready-to-use XML file. You can add any itemid that TUJ has values for and it'll populate prices/etc based on desired settings.

I'll eventually get around to it.

I've supplied variations of files using my system to a few users here, and have had pretty good feedback so far. I personally built a flipping profile with this also that has sent a lvl 1 alt from 1k to now over 7.6k in about ten days, it doesn't sound like much but I only log that toon in for maybe five minutes two-to-three times a day. So (5*3=15, 15*10=150, 150/60=2.5) 2.5 hours over ten days to turn 6.6k profit.. On a lvl one toon, not bad.
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<!--Green Tea Leaf-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="true" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="72234" MinBuyout="29g90s0c" MaxBuyout="39g90s0c" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="40" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

Why is it underbiding everything? (even under 29g90s0c)
<!--Green Tea Leaf-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="true" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="72234" MinBuyout="29g90s0c" MaxBuyout="39g90s0c" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="40" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

Why is it underbiding everything? (even under 29g90s0c)

have u tried restarting the bot / loading the profile from new after adding the change?
and are you sure that there arent lower bids than 29g90s0c on the AH? cause it should just skip putting the item up if there are lower bids
also try and fiddle abit with the numbers to see if it helps
dunno if this helps heh

edit: dunno if this could be the problem; but try and change your MinBuyout to 1g45s0c and change MaxBuyout to 1g95s0c, cause now it takes and see what each green tea leaf(1) is listed at AH for, and multiplies it with your stack size before it posts it
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<!--Green Tea Leaf-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="true" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="72234" MinBuyout="29g90s0c" MaxBuyout="39g90s0c" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" Amount="40" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="False" />

Why is it underbiding everything? (even under 29g90s0c)

Change UseCategory="true" to UseCategory="false", also note the MinBuyout and MaxBuyout prices are per item not per stack so MinBuyout="29g90s0c" MaxBuyout="39g90s0c" would post a stack at 598g minimum. It's however not even doing this as having UseCategory="true" is effectively telling it not to use the other settings from that line.
<Settings DefaultValue="False" Type="Boolean" Name="Cancel Undercut Auctions" Summary="Cancels your auction which have been undercut" Category="Misc" Global="False" Hidden="False" />
Try setting that DefaultValue to True for starters otherwise your auctions will stay on at whatever price until someone either buys them, or they expire.

i am fine with that and sorry, this wasn't the problem i was talking about ;)
my problem is the 24hour duration.... i can manually change it to 12hours while the bot is working, but with a fresh start, it's back with 24hours again... cannot find i solution since 2 weeks or so.... :(
<!--Fel Iron Bar-->
<SellItemOnAhAction UseCategory="false" RunTime="_12_Hours" AmountType="Amount" ItemID="23445" MinBuyout="12g0s0c" MaxBuyout="18g0s0c" StackSize="20" IgnoreStackSizeBelow="1" Amount="20" BidPrecent="100" UndercutPrecent="0.0001" AutoFindAh="True" PostIfBelowMinBuyout="true" />

I have problem with this one. Other ones are okey (thank you for help!). 12g MinBuyout but it: "Selling Fel Iron Bar for 2g0s0c. Competition is at 11g49s99c"
Is there a setting that posts items near competition? It posts all of my items at 0g with bids.. Or do I have to adjust each item?
i am fine with that and sorry, this wasn't the problem i was talking about ;)
my problem is the 24hour duration.... i can manually change it to 12hours while the bot is working, but with a fresh start, it's back with 24hours again... cannot find i solution since 2 weeks or so.... :(
I can only suggest a fresh copy/install of HB, run it clean with no plugins, etc. and see what happens.

I have problem with this one. Other ones are okey (thank you for help!). 12g MinBuyout but it: "Selling Fel Iron Bar for 2g0s0c. Competition is at 11g49s99c"
Do a search for that item ID and make sure it only shows up in one <SellItemOnAhAction line.

- - - Updated - - -

Is there a setting that posts items near competition? It posts all of my items at 0g with bids.. Or do I have to adjust each item?

Read the last few pages of the thread. If that's too hard, don't try AHBuddy.
Do a search for that item ID and make sure it only shows up in one <SellItemOnAhAction line.

I did, that ID is only one here.

New problem: When it post into AH, it will go into mailbox and back to AH and cancel ALL underbided auctions. (in Profile i have canceling auctions on False)
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