As far as I can see a lot of your prices are set to 0g0s0c, if you have those items in your bags it'll sell them for the price. You need to either set all the prices for items in your bags, remove un-needed entries from the XML or replace each instance of MinBuyout="0g0s0c" with MinBuyout="100g0s0c" (or a price of your own choice). Please take the time to browse through this thread, you'll find the instructions to edit this file in the way that you need to for it to run as you intend. If you can't justify spending the time to read through the thread then I suggest using something other than AHBuddy as it's not just a download-and-go profile like many believe, it does require a certain amount of user research and configuration to get it working in a optimal fashion.
- - - Updated - - -
could anyone send me their ahbuddy config with prices/stack quantities etc. already added? i dont understand why all this has to be done manually : / basically i want the bot to sell everything just undercutting the competition by lowest ammount possible, for all items i got(leathers,herbs,ores, green boe's, blue boe's etc.) if anyone got it all set up and could sure - id appreciate that, i just dont fell like filling all of it manually, id rather use the default ah bot then
i spent some time configuring it but was tired of copy-pasting same prices everywhere. why not just put min buy out 1 copper and max buy out 1 000 000 g by default for selling bot since it checks auctions for prices and undercuts anyway. buying out bot is a different story of course
In most text editors you can replace all instances of one thing with something else.
For example:
Replace MinBuyout="0g0s0c" with MinBuyout="1g0s0c"
Replace MaxBuyout="0g0s0c" with MaxBuyout="10000g0s0c"