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[Professionbuddy] AHBuddy - Full Auction House Bot

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ich check das ned ich w?rde gerne so einstellen das er das ganze mop zeug was zurzeit gut verkauft wird billig kauft und dann teuer wieder verkauft aber mein englisch ist beschissen
How do I configure the bot to only sit there and buy auctions? I don't want it to loot the mailbox, I don't want it to post anything, go to the gbank, or do anything except sit there and scan for deals. Is there a way to do this?
I am leveling 5 herb and miners and was wanting to use the AH bot to post all my auctions. Anyway to have it auto undercut the AH with out having to set prices for everything ?
Every time it tries to check for undercut auctions, it will just cancel everything and post it again, even if there's no undercut auction, until eventually it runs out of gold from posting fees. anyone?

Edit: this is the problem;

Actually, is IgnoreStackSizeBelow actually working for you, when it comes to canceling undercut items?

I've noticed, that if IgnoreStackSizeBelow="20" for an item, it will accurately post the item based on the lowest 20+ stack auction. However, it doesn't seem to ignore it when it comes to scanning to cancel undercut items!

Ie: 20x stacks of Turnips are selling for 20g a pop, with one Turnip for sale at 15g. AHBuddy will post the Turnip for 19g99s99c, or w/e, but then will cancel the auction on the next go because of the ONE 15g Turnip!

Which makes it pretty much useless unless you only sell stacks of 1 :/
Anyone have a workaround this?
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Yes Jareth123 you didn't finish configuring profile.....

You need to edit the sell and the buy and the CANCEL area's

You forgot the one in caps
I am leveling 5 herb and miners and was wanting to use the AH bot to post all my auctions. Anyway to have it auto undercut the AH with out having to set prices for everything ?

Nope you would be looking for my profile for that bud. PRE configured.
How do I configure the bot to only sit there and buy auctions? I don't want it to loot the mailbox, I don't want it to post anything, go to the gbank, or do anything except sit there and scan for deals. Is there a way to do this?

Yes edit the file and delete everything other than buying.
Thx for the profile, it is great.
There's a BUG on Spinefish, the correct ItemID is "83064" and on your profile is "80242"
Okay, I've been trying this for an hour now and i'm about to punch a baby. I try to load a profile but the whole left side is greyed out. I try and scroll through "Profile" But no, thats also greyed out. It just scans for stuff non stop and it's beginning to get very damn annoying.I cant seem to add any actions either.
Hello there,
I used the bot today, seems to be a problem with the meta gems as i have 9 already auctioned and the bot checked for the undercuts found that there is a cheaper ones and then canceled and placed the whole 9 gems with a lower price than a single 1, so my 9xmeta gems sold for 1 meta gem price, its kinda annoying but i should take the blame for any failures i wonder if there is a fix for that?
thank you
Okay, I've been trying this for an hour now and i'm about to punch a baby. I try to load a profile but the whole left side is greyed out. I try and scroll through "Profile" But no, thats also greyed out. It just scans for stuff non stop and it's beginning to get very damn annoying.I cant seem to add any actions either.

That's HB not AB.. restart HB til it works.
Great profile, just have 1 question and if it's possible it would be perfect for me.

I'm posting glyphs and everything working fine but I would it to cancel undercuts after a certain amount of time otherwise post non stop since I have many of each glyphs, is this possible?
Yup AHbuddy isn't for the faint of heart... it takes a lot of customization to get working proper but its over all a good set up if your willing to put in the time
Why is this selling everything in my inventory and not what i told it to sell?
I might just be lazy but is anyone prepared to make a silvermoon EU version? alliance :D
OK accessing the mailbox through the wall inside the auction house room is that safe ??
OK accessing the mailbox through the wall inside the auction house room is that safe ??

nope, not safe at all. Just about anyone who sees you do this will report you. Go use the AH in the Dwarven District.
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